Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

i. 1 1. d. Deadline Listed On Gifts for Soldiers Greater demands upon shipping and the need for giving preference to the shipment of war materials necessitates the early mailing of packages to men and women in the armed forces, William Wert, Marion postmaster, announced last night. This year the Christmas mailing period for both Army and.

Navy overseas forces will be from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. No gift package can be mailed after Oct. 15 unless written request from the man or woman In service is presented at postoffice.

Many packages failed to reach the destinations last year due to inadequate wrapping. Wert pointed out that shoe box is the correct size for parcels but said that shoe box is not substantial and generally through Boxes. made of metal wood, fiberboard, or double-faced corrugated fiberboard, reinforced with gummed paper tape. or tied with strong twine are recommended. Wert said several packages also were lost because outside wrappings sometimes became separated from the gift and the postal offcials were unable to send the package on.

The postmaster advised that the address be written on the Inside of the wrapper as well as on the outside. Postal regulations prohibit the parcel weighing more than five pounds and must not be more than 15 inches in length or 36 inches in length and girth combined. "Christmas Parcel" should be written on the package so that it ITCH covers Relieves with smarting protecting torment coat. and OF Generous supply costs SIMPLE SKIN RASHES SOOTHING MEDICATED Trim Gil Permanent Reg. $6.50 $4,00 Oil infused solution helpe to recosdition your hair as well as to give lustrous permanent.

Includes sham pee and Glamour $275 Permanent a Appointment Phone 1573 2nd Floor HILL'S BEAUTY SHOP 4 VISITS HERE. Miss Mildred Todd is spending a three weeks' vacation with her Mr. and Mrs. Walter Todd, $640 South Adams street. Miss Todd returns today to St.

John's Hospital, may be given special attention. All articles in the package should be tightly packed and individual pieces of food should be separately wrapped in waxed paper and should be enclosed in inner boxes of wood, metal or cardboard. Articles which are not 'permitted to be sent overseas include perishable goods, intoxicants and inflammable such as matches or lighter fluids, poisons. Things that might damage other mail also are prohibited. Glass gifts should be substantially pack.

ed to avoid breakage. Postal officials urged that all packages be mailed as soon after a Sept. 15 concentration as possible of packages as to on avoid the mailing period. Boxes of the correct size and material may be obtained free of charge at the Grant county Civilian Defense office, 414 South Washington street, Nelle Hines, executive secretary of the office said last night. No outer wrapping is required with the package.

Class Is Entertained By Norma Kiser Primary class members of Adams Street, Christian Church were entertained Wednesday at the home of Miss Norma Kiser, South Wigger street. were held for the members. Refreshments were served to Burr Nelson, John Bunch, Philip "Bunch, Barbara Craig, Orval Craig, Mariam Clark, Letha Clark, Alwilla Craig, Lawanna Craig, Richard Thompson, Roger Mrs. Dorothy Clark, Mrs. Zella Mrs.

Opal Craig and. Kiser CLUB HOLDS MEETING Members of Lake Wana Ladies' Conservation Club will meet at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday at the Club House. Mrs.

Howard fin will be hostess of the TWO WILL ENTERTAIN Mrs. Louis Chocho's and Mrs. Willis Thomas will be hostess at the Thursday meeting of the Py. thian Sisters Circle to be held at 2:30 p. m.

at the Knights of Pythias Hall. RUGS SHAMPOOED All rugs picked up by the routemen on any zone day will be delivered back to you in 7 days. Brown-Trueblood, Inc. CUEEN CITY Good as Gold! Your Best Fashion Friend--a L-. Stroock Coat $49 Simple, time-less lines sound tailoring and that wonderful all-wool Palatia fabric--make your Stroock coat as dependable as a friend! Toss over slacks, sling it over suits, wear it over dresses--your Stroock is unfailingly smart, unfailingly flattering.

7 Add Secretary to Staff of YW Here Miss Dorothy Datt, Gibsonia, has been employed as Girl Reserve secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association, Mrs. Otis acting personnel chairman, announced last night. A graduate of Muckingum College, New Concord, 0., last June, Miss Datt majored in sociology, elementary education and physical education. She was active in campus activities, having served all four years on the Woman's Athletic Association board and on the student She was member of the Y.W.C.A. and the life service group, belonged to the Spanish Club and a social sorority and was president of the Women's Activities She is 8 memthe United "Presbyterian Church.

During the last three summers Miss Datt has worked in camps. In WAS a counselor at the Kingsley Settlement Camp at Valencia, and in 1943 she was 8 unit leader at the Methodist Church Union Camp at Mars, Pa. She is now at a girl's camp at Chatauqua, N. Y. The new secretary will arrive in Marion in time to attend the state Girl Reserve conference at Camp Mack near Milford, from Aug.

26 until Sept. 1, officials said. Miss Datt succeeds Miss Catherine Cox, who will leave Sept. 1 to enter Indiana University. 14 Marion, County Students to Enter I.U.

Credits for admission to Indiana University have been received from 14 Marion and Grant county, students, Dr. Frank R. Elliott, director of admissions, said Saturday. Marion students entering the university for the fall semester beginning Aug. 30 will be Charles F.

Burr, Jeanne List, Catherine Cox, Paul Edwards, John Ehret, Roseanne Glacken, Miller, Jeanne Powell, Wilbur Stewart, Victor West and Robert Williams. A Navy scholorship of $30 a semester has been awarded to Jeanne List, and 8 special merit music scholarship of $25 a semester has been awarded Charles Burr by the University, Dr. W. Fred Totten; Marion High School principal, announced Saturday. Other entrants from Grant county will be Maryjane Steele, Gas City, Agnes Ferguson, Swayzee, and Judith Woodmansee, Sweetser.

Mrs. Williams Is Leader in Class Session Members of the Everready Sunday school class of First Methodist Church held a meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. Marshall Williams, 611 Whites avenue. Mrs. Williams, president, conducted, 0.

the Campbell business gave session the and devotions. Mrs. W. E. Strowhuver was in charge of contests.

Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Elza Modlin, Mrs. Daisy Lavengood, Mrs. W. A.

Brown, Mrs. Emma Resler and Mrs. Strowhuver Jack Berger Observes Anniversary Mrs. Carl Berger held a party Wednesday celebrating the birthday anniversary of her son, Jack. Games were played and refreshments served by.

the ASsisted by Mrs. Ralph McCoy. present were Annalee Price, Kenneth Graham, Effie Tyner, Richard Wilson, Barbara Alleman, James Taylor and Marilyn McEntire. City Calendar NIGHT Wendall Ray- Hurley Unit, Mothers of World War No. General Service club rooms.

Auxiliary No. 23, Sons of Union Veterans of Civil Hall. TUESDAY NIGHTPeconga Council, No. 136, of Pocahontas-PocahonHall. Phi Chi Epsilon sorority--Mrs.

Ralph Chapman, state road 15. A. Jones Auxiliary, First Methodist Church-Mrs. Alex McElhaney, East Marshall street. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Ladies' Aid Society, First United Brethren Church- Ernest Carey, 1017 West Third street.

Fourth Division Ladies' Aid Society, First Friends ChurchChurch. WEDNESDAY NIGHT Aloha Club--Miss Lucille Kribbe, Roseburg pike. American Legion Auxiliary Charles Park. Hiawatha Club Mrs. Mack Megee, 735 Lincoln boulevard.

Activities. Night-Meshingomesia Country Club. THURSDAY AFTERNOON Pythian Sisters Circle -Knights of Pythias Hall. Bridge Luncheon- -Meshingomesia Country Club. THURSDAY NIGHT Women of Moose.

-Moose Home. FRIDAY AFTERNOON Circle Four, Women's Society of Christian Service, First Methodist Church-Mrs. D. C. Pence, 524 South Gallatin street.

Circle Five, Women's Society, of Christian Service, dist Church--Mrs. Paul Daugherty, 4708 South Harmon street. Reunion Calendar AUGUST 15 Cart Creek Home Economics Club Mrs. Floyd Wright. AUGUST 16 Fowlerton Home Economics Club-Mrs.

Russell Kirkwood. AUGUST 17 Center Township Home Economics Club Mrs. Vernon Graf. Richland Homemakers-Mrs. Edwin Mark.

Farrville Home Economics Club -Mrs. Mitchell Steveman. Liberty Township Home Economics Club--Mrs. Ed Rich. AUGUST 18.

Walnut Creek Home Economics Club-Mrs. Paul Winters. AUG. 20 Abram Brane-Matter Park. Allen -Matter Park.

Park. Cook-Small reunion Matter Rennaker -Matter. Park. AUGUST 22 Matthews Home Economics Club Ray Frushour. AUGUST 23 Victory Home Economics Club -Mrs.

Ford McGibbon. Fansler Home Economics ClubMrs. Lizzie. Reece. AUGUST.

24 Washington Township Home Economica Club Mrs. Arthur Worden. SEPT. 3. Heflin-Highland Park, Kokomo, Ind.

CLUB PLANS SUPPER Tri-Y Club members will hold potluck supper Tuesday night at Jonesboro. Those planning to attend have been requested to meet at the Marion bus station at 6 p. m. MRS. MAGEE HOSTESS Mrs.

Mack Magee, 735 Lincoln boulevard, will be hostess to bers of the Hiawatha Club at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. SESSION POSTPONED C. J.

T. Club meeting, scheduled this week has been postponed until Aug. 30, at the home of Mrs. Luther Bond, East Swayzee street. MEETING POSTPONED Meeting of Circle Three, Women's Society of Christian Service, First Methodist Church, scheduled to meet Aug.

18, has been postponed until 28, at the home of Mrs. Walter Tukey, 711 West Sixth street. Higher Tax Rate Set For Wabash Welfare Wabash, Aug. county welfare department has asked for A tax rate of 15-cents for next year, compared to the present 10- cent rate which was set by the County Council after the department had asked for a 12-cent rate. The 15-cent rate would raise $54,278 as the county's share of the $169,502 budget the department has requested.

Of this total $123,000 would be for old age pensions with the remainder divided between the various benefit payments made by the board. The county council has always been inclined to make heavy reductions in the welfare department budget and each year is warned that state and federal assistance would be discontinued unless the full amount asked was granted. The reductions, however, were made in previous years and the state and federal assistance was always continued. Van Buren 4' Van Buren, Aug. 12.

Miss I ner- guest of Mrs. Brown Marjorie Hultz WAS a 1. Friday dinand daughters. Delilah Brown spent Friday with Bonnie and Joyce Palmer. Miss Dorothy Beedy, Marion, was recent guest of Mr.

and Mrs. J. L. Worley and Paul Beedy. Mrs.

Mary Dillman has returned to her home in Salem, after spending 8 week here with her mother, Mrs. Jesse Elliott. Miss Evelyn Willey, Fort Wayne, was 8 recent guest Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miss- Lols Jean Eubank is spending the weekend in Indianapolis visiting friends and relatives.

FUNERAL RITES HELD Wabash, Aug. services for Dianne Hendrix, daughter of Mr. -and. Mrs. Merrill Hendrix, were held from the residence Saturday with burial in Falls cemI tery, I Delegates Present Reports Before Central Unit Marion Central Women's Christian Temperance Union members held meeting Thursday in the Young Women's Christian- -Association club ing a and Peaco*ck offered Group singing, opened the conducted the business session.

Mrs. L. W. Kemper read devotions and offered a prayer. Reports of the state convention held at Winona Lake were given by the delegates, Mrs.

Claude Chambers and Mrs. C. M. Newport. Election of officers for.

next year will be held at the next meeting Sept. 14, at the -home of Mrs. E. B. Smith, 515 Spencer avenue.

Twelve members and one guest, Mrs. Ruth Peaco*ck, were present. Mrs. Pence to Entertain Church Women's Unit Circle Four, Society of Christian Service, First Methodist Church will meet at 2:30 B. Friday Pence, at 524 the South home of Gallatin Mrs.

street. Devotions will be given Mrs. B. L. Allison, and Mrs.

Stanley Allen will give the lesson, first two chapters of the book, "For All of Life." Potluck Supper Arranged by Aloha Club Members of the Aloha Club will hold a potluck supper Wednesday night at the country home of Miss Lucille Kribbs, Roseburg pike. Those planning to attend have been requested to meet at the Young Women's Christian Association and to take their table service. Royal Club Meeting Held Here at Wills Home ducted business meeting of the Miss Mary, Dillon, president, conRoyal Club held at the home of Mrs. Francis Wills Thursday. Prizes at contests were daVarded to Mrs.

Ray Noller, Mrs. Clifford Hulce, Mrs. Fern Wolfe and Mrs. Lulu McCormick. Next meeting of the group will be held Aug.

24, at the home of Mrs. Albert Ailman, 1203 South Gallatin street. MEETING ARRANGED Auxiliary No. 23, Sons of Union Veterans of Civil War, will meet at 7:30 p. m.

Monday in the G.A.R. Hall. PLAN REUNION Members of. the -Rennaker family will hold a reunion Aug. 20 at Matter Park.

Ernest Rennaker, presiwill be in charge of the Gas City Gas City, Aug. Edith Maine is getting along at her home after having had her tonsils removed Wednesday at the office of Dr. Braunlin in Marion, Tuesday, August: 29, will be blood donation day at the OnIzed club house, when the Red Cross Mobile blood banks will make its sixth visit. Only one day will be required this time, where previously -two days have been taken. -The welfare council of the OnIzed group is sponsoring the blook bank.

The goal is set at 275 donors, arid plans are to have that many in readiness. Others will be placed on a waiting list and called if the unit can take care of them. Those in charge have asked that none sign unless they intend to report because the program for the day is made out in advance and when the donors fail to report, the day's work is retarded. A nine pound son was born Thursday 5:25 p. m.

at the Marion General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Hinant. The baby has been named Michael The Missionary Guild of the Christian Church will be entertained Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Donald Simons.

The devotionals for the evening' will be in charge of Mrs. Pete Linn, and the lesson to be presented by Mrs. Robert Berry. The Dorcas Class of the Baptist Church was entertained at its August meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

George Dancer. A potluck supper was enjoyed by sixteen members and their husbands. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jason Young, Mr.

and Mrs. Chauncey Griffith, Mr. Mrs. Harry Marshall, Rev. and Mrs.

R. E. Halls, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Burgoon, Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ballinger, Alec McIlroy, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs.

Amelia Morgan, Mrs. William Young, Mrs. Vern Christian, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Holtzman, Earl Coy, Mrs.

Mrs. Milt Chester BurHarris, Shirley Hoss and Mr. and Mrs. Dancer. The Euchre Club will be entertained Monday afternoon 2:00 at the OnIzed club house.

All members are urged to be present. Mildred and Sandra Swafford recently returned home from a week's visit with their grandmother, Mrs. Ira Woodard of Dunkirk. Mrs. Woodard returned home with them for a visit with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas have returned home from a two week's visit spent in New York state. Many points of interest were visited. They visited a cousin, I who is mayor of Whitehall, N.

Mills, son of Mrs. Cella Mills, sustained painful leg -injuries recently when he fell into a a a ditch, cutting his leg on a tile. He is staying at the home of his aunt, Mrg. ilerbert Pvt. John Edwards has reported to Fort.

George G. Meade, after spending a furlough here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Garl Penrod and daughter, Glenda, left Thursday for a visit in Garret and Warsaw. Word has been received here that Rev.

C. A. Byrt of Fort Wayne, suffered a stroke Wednesday while at their at Lake Webster. He was taken the Methodist Hospital at Fort- -Wayne. Rev.

Byrt was pastor of the local Bethodist Church previous to moving to Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Atkinson and family had as their guests Wednesday and Thursday, Mr. and Mrs.

Ed I Petrie, Fort Wayne. Kenneth Allen Smith, Fayetteville, N. is spending the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Randall Smith.

Miss Thelma Mickel has returned to her home, West Thirty-first street, after spending a week with relatives and friends at Cincinnati and Reading, 0. Lt. and Mrs. William E. Hillsamer will leave Monday Roswell, N.

where Lt. Hillsamer is 'stationed. Sgt. James J. Michos 'arrived Thursday from Bruning Army Air Base, Burning, for 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. Michos, 514 West First street. Converse Reports Converse, Aug.

Christian Ladies'. Aid the Loyal Daughters class entertained Friday night for Mrs. Wilmer Rogers, who is moving to Wabash. A short program was given and gifts were presented to Mrs. Rogers from the two organizations.

Refreshments were served to the guest of honor and Mrs. L. Heeter, Mrs. Cora Sisson, Mrs. Victor C.

R. Sisson, Hunter, Mrs. Mrs. Daisy Sarah Mast, Miller, Mrs. R.

S. Grubb, Mrs. Gene Hamilton, Miss L. C. Boyd, Mrs.

Riggs, Mrs. James Gray, Mrs. Slusher, Mrs. D. E.

Warnock, Jeannie Lue Warnock, Mrs. Howard Clevenger, Miss Mrs. W. Lucille T. Belle Clair Maggie Reynolds, Rich, Mrs, Mrs.

0. W. Overman, Zook, Mrs. Summers, Mrs. Earl Hainlin, Mrs.

Charles Rhodes, Mrs. Harry Garber, Mrs. Charles Haynes, Mrs. Harvey Howard, Mrs. Mast, Mrs.

Fred Miller, Mrs. L. M. Summers, Mrs. James Williams and Mrs.

Armen Warnock. Meredith Pence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pence has been inducted into the Navy and sent Sampson, N. Y.

His complete address is United G-8, Co. 560, USNTC Sampson, N. Swayzee Friday with Mrs. Mrs. Shirley, Swope of near William Warnock and daughter.

Miss Carolyn Losure spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ruble and daughter at Loon Lake. Mrs. Robert Babco*ck was called to Culver by the illness of her sister, Mrs.

M. E. Geiger. Miss Pat Bly and Miss Loujean Warnock spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Betty Sites of Farmland. Mrs: Lulu Roby has been visit- CLOSED Aug.

21st to Sept. 5th Our shop will "be "closed until Sept. -5 for vacation. Open Monday, Sept. 5 MARGARET'S BEAUTY SHOP Margaret Brown So.

Washington Marion, Indiana, Chronicle-Tribune Aug. 13, 1944 ...11 Women of Moose Meet At Lodge to 15 be the on 15 in -of the Moose held it regular session Thursday night at the Moose Home. Miss Nyla Jane Holmquist, senior regent, presided during the meeting. Mrs. Ann Melnick, homemaking chairman, announced.

that there will be a meeting of her committee Aug. 21, at the home. Friendship and Alumnae mittees will hold a meeting Aug. 21, at the The next regular meeting will be held at the home at 8 p. m.

Thursday. Thursday Social Club Is Entertained- VACATIONS HERE. Pot. Wilma Pernod, 'U. S.

Air WAC, is spending a ten-day furlough with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude ple, Fairmount. She will leave Thursday to report for duty at Seymour Johnson Field, N. C.

ing her mother, Mrs. Mary Pearson and Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hott near Montpelier. Members of the Thursday Som cial Club were entertained day night by Maude Shields at the home of Mrs.

E. E. Garner, 1309 West. First street. Contests were.

held, and prized awarded to Mr.s... George Clanin, Mrs. F. E. Morrison, Mrs.

Garnet and Mrs. Paul Streib. Next meeting of the club will be Aug. 24, at the home of Mrs. Paul Lytle, 514 West Second street.

MRS. CHAPMAN HOSTESS Phi Chi Epsilon sorority meme bers will hold a meeting at 8 p. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ralph Chapman, state road 15.

Open August 14th to 26th 9 a. m. to 1 p.m. Alma Patton Shop Spencer Hotel 3A Enjoy Sunday Dinner At Quality Lunch Served Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.

m. Week Days Serving Breakfast Lunch Dinner 6:30 a. m. to 8:00 p.m. Eat in Our Newly Decorated Dining Room Delicious Foods Good Service Quality 406-408 South Adams St.

As a woman thinks Pr. Her idea in clothes is unobtrusive charm, subtle flattery, and discerning good taste. In her busy life today, she has no time for clothes that are not graciously cut to fit comfortable. In her favorite shop she finds clothes, mature but young and flattering in materials of quality, and in soft, becoming Fall shades. Exquisitely detailed, a joy to buy.

Shop in Cool Comfort at THE 1 Alice Phillips Shoppe 45 i.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.