Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (2025)

Road Map

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- Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10
- Offline: 50 [1000Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (1)]
- Online: 0
- Approximate amount of time to 1000Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (2): 60+ hours
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1, if you make additional saves for missable achievements
- Missable achievements: 8 - "The Nuclear Option" and "Nuclear Family" are the two end-game decisions; the final achievements for the Brotherhood, Institute, and Railroad all have 2 missable achievements each
- Does difficulty affect achievements: No
- Glitchy/Buggy achievements: "Benevolent Leader" [see achievement guide for full details]
- Extra equipment needed: None

  • DLC: Automatron
    • Difficulty: 1/10
    • Time to 100Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (3): 2-3 Hours
    • Unobtainable: None
  • DLC: Wasteland Workshop
    • Difficulty: 1+/10
    • Time to 50Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (4): 1+ Hours
    • Unobtainable: None
  • DLC: Far Harbor
    • Difficulty: 2/10
    • Time to 180Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (5): 5-8 Hours
    • Unobtainable: None
    • Missable: 3 - "The Way Life Should Be," "Cleansing The Land," and "Push Back The Fog"
  • DLC: Contraptions Workshop
    • Difficulty: 1/10
    • Time to 50Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (6): 10-30 Minutes
    • Unobtainable: None
  • DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop
    • Difficulty: 1/10
    • Time to 50Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (7): 50-70 Minutes
    • Unobtainable: None
  • DLC: Nuka World
    • Difficulty: 3/10
    • Time to 170Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (8): 10-12 Hours
    • Unobtainable: None
    • Missable: 6 - "Raiding for a Living," "Hostile Takeover," "The Grand Tour," "Home Sweet Home," and "Power Play"

Available Resources:
This section will contain threads that have proven extremely useful for XBA members.

  • - Excellent resource on the benefits of gaining max relationship with companions.
  • Complete Magazine Guide - All of the magazines in the game.
  • Fallout 4 Wiki - One stop shop for everything Fallout related.
  • Official Build Discussion Thread - Good tips and tricks for building your character.

Special Thanks:
This section will have XBA members who have contributed to making this the best Fallout 4 source out there!

  • Aceman417
  • bigbear.
  • Lewi
  • PowerPyx
  • xhunterrrr

Welcome to the Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & RoadMap brought to you by BiggD and THE DEADLY DOG! With years of waiting, anxious months and tons of teasers we are finally at the point of no turning back. Bethesda has given us the massive, the tremendous, the unyielding game.

We take over as a father, or mother of a young child in a pre-apocalyptic Boston suburb. From the first moments of the game you are given the ability to realize the true depth, customization, and imagination that Fallout 4 brings. You will be trudging through the wasteland in a grand scale searching for answers, companions to assist you along the way, settlements to help you make a new home, and loot to collect. With some new elements being added into the game there are the same old story achievements, those for factions, and some related to the huge new feature; settlement creating and managing.

Abbreviated Walkthrough (You're Kidding Right? This is Fallout, Nothing is Brief!):
Since Fallout 4 has a plethora of options, routes, and necessary components, this section of the RoadMap will break down the game into distinct areas that you can tackle at your leisure. We will begin by talking about the story, the missables, and how best to go about working your way through it. Once we clean that up we will slide into side quests, faction quests and leveling. Settlements, companions and collectibles will be touched on briefly with the core of the information remaining in the achievement guides themselves. We will finish up with some miscellaneous mop up on isle Boston-Wasteland. Let's start wandering!

MISSABLE ACHIEVEMENTS NOTE: "The Nuclear Option" (end game), "Nuclear Family" (end game), "Underground Undercover" and "Rockets' Red Glare" (Railroad), "Blind Betrayal," and "Ad Victoriam" (Brotherhood), and "Mankind-Redefined" and "Powering Up" (Institute)

Story + Side Quests:
Looking at this we have eight missable story achievements. Doing it in as few playthroughs as possible you will be looking at a strategic save approximately half way through the core storyline that will enable you to play the factions and earn their achievements. Here is a breakdown:

  1. All faction quests and story quests up to The Molecular Level.
  2. Do TML up to the point when you return to Virgil and choose a site for the transporter.
  3. Make a hard save here (wear something odd, save in third person with the camera back on your character). These will help you remember where this base save is.
  4. Proceed down the Brotherhood of Steel line focusing solely on their quests. You will finish with "Nuclear Option." At this point, I recommend you make another hard save (possibly facing the Elder in BoS gear) so you remember that the save was dedicated to a Brotherhood line. [Only need to do this if you want a Brotherhood of Steel completed story save.]
  5. Reload the TML save and proceed with the Railroad (and then Railroad/Institute) line. You will work in tangent between both the Railroad and Institute. Let me attempt to break down how it will work for the Institute and Railroad quests:
    • Railroad Side - Underground Undercover (Railroad) will be working all the way through Pinned (Institute).
    • Institute Side - Institutionalized followed by Synth Retention. You then tackle The Battle of Bunker Hill, Mankind - Redefined, Mass Fusion, and Pinned.
  6. When you completed Pinned you will unlock the achievement "Powering Up". Now things get a little bit hairy.
  7. As soon as you are done with Pinned a messenger will arrive telling you to continue with Underground Undercover. Meet with the synth then report to the Railroad to warn them. You should also talk to Father to get his next quest which is to kill the Railroad leadership.
    • You should continue playing both sides, report back to the Railroad and defend their HQ from the Brotherhood.
  8. Now follow the Railroad's assignment to take out the Brotherhood (Precipice of War).
  9. Next up is "Rockets' Red Glare." When you finish this you have completed all of the achievements related quests for the Railroad.
  10. You can switch over to just Institute if you want although I recommend making another hard save at this point [Only need to do this if you want a Railroad completed story save].
  11. You will now kill Desdemona and all of the Railroad leadership. Report back to Father.
  12. With a touching moment, that's "Nuclear Family" and all of the story achievements finished up.

It's worth mentioning that there are no difficulty related achievements in the game. If you want to play on the game’s lowest difficulty or maybe even try out the new Survival Mode, it’s totally up to you. The difficulty can be changed on the fly and will not impact the achievements. Along the way, you will naturally unlock story-related achievements, the first of which is "War Never Changes." This will be earned upon leaving Vault 111. Moreover, two smaller achievements, "Gun-for-Hire" and "Mercenary," will more than likely be earned naturally as you complete 10 side quests and 50 miscellaneous objectives in between the larger main story quests. For "Mercenary," be sure to see its specific achievement guide for some tips on where to pick up miscellaneous missions.

Last but not least, there are a total of four achievements for leveling up your character during your playthrough. Once you reach Level 5, 10, 25, and 50, you will unlock "Born Survivor," "Commonwealth Citizen," "Unstoppable Wanderer," and "Legend of the Wastes" respectively.

Settlements will be a large time sink in your Fallout 4 experience. Ensuring your settlement is protected, well fed, happy, and prospering is essentially a full time job. As far as achievements go we have "Community Organizer" for allying yourself with three different settlements, "Fix-Er-Upper" for crafting 100 workshop items, and "Benevolent Leader" for reaching maximum happiness in a large settlement. The best course of action is to progress through the game as you normally would ultimately picking up three allied settlements and 100 workshop items without much work. "Benevolent Leader" on the other hand has an extensive guide written for it and is best analyzed there.

Companions til' the End:
Companions in Fallout 4 make a massive improvement over previous installments. Our companions carry loads of loot, have interesting backstories that you can delve deeper into, come with permanent perks when they idolize you, have specific likes and dislikes and traits and skills you can use to your favor. We have "Never Go It Alone" which is for recruiting 5 companions (something that can happen as you do side quests) and "Lovable" for reaching maximum relationship level with a single companion (sadly Dogmeat does not count). For "Lovable," refer to the achievement guide for a full list of companions and what they need to boost them up.

Collectibles (Are They Worth More in Post-Apocalyptica)?:
Similar to its predecessor, collectibles in Fallout 4 return in the form of Vault Boy bobbleheads and magazines. There are a total of 20 bobbleheads, each of which grant a bonus to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats and overall "skills" such as Energy Weapons, Medicine, Science, and more. These bobbleheads will require a fine amount of exploration throughout the open world, especially given their small size compared to the buildings, ruins, and landscapes they can be found within. Upon finding half of them, you will earn "They’re Not Toys…" and once all 20 have been collected in one playthrough, "…They’re Action Figures" will be yours. "Print's Not Dead" has you simply reading 20 out of the close to 80 magazines available throughout the wasteland. Please refer to the achievement guides below for more specifics on these collectibles.

Mop-Up (Or How I Helped Clean-Up The Wasteland):
All that remains on the achievement list by this point are fifteen miscellaneous tasks. You will make natural progress towards eleven of these over the course of your playthrough such as gathering resources for "Scavver," or picking and hacking locks and terminals for "What’s Yours Is Mine" and "RobCo’s Worst Nightmare" respectively. Be aware that you will need to invest in certain perks in order to pick and hack higher-leveled locks and terminals. During this playthrough, you’ll also be rewarded with achievements for creating 50 weapon mods, crafting 100 items, building 100 Workshop items, and of course, killing 300 human and creature enemies. The last of the bunch that will come naturally are "…The Harder They Fall," which tasks you with slaying 5 Giant Creatures in the wasteland, and "Ranger Corps," for discovering 100 locations.

The last four miscellaneous tasks require a little more planning, but none of them are missable. One example is "Future Retro," which requires you to play a Holotape game on your Pip-Boy. It can be done very early on in the game even before leaving the vault. There's also "Homerun!" and "Touchdown!" with the former has you finding all the hidden home base plates in Diamond City and the latter which asks you to deliberately allow a Super Mutant Suicider to kill you. Finally, in true Fallout fashion, you’ll have the odd joy of earning "Prankster’s Return" for placing a live grenade or mine in someone’s pockets while pickpocketing. Just know beforehand that you need to invest in the Pickpocket perk (Perception Skill Tree) to pull this off successfully.

Automatron DLC

Welcome back to the Commonwealth, Vault Dwellers. In Fallout 4’s first expansion, Automatron, we’re tasked with tracking down a mysterious "villain" known as the Mechanist and putting an end to their robotic reign of terror…all while building our very own robot army! This expansion only has five achievements to boast: three of which are story-related and another two for unlocking and building robot mods. On average, it should take you close to three hours to get everything done, though the ability to mess around with your own self-created companions may have you coming back for more.

Abbreviated Walkthrough:
After you have installed the expansion and have booted up your playthrough, the first quest, “Mechanical Menace” will be added to you quest log. Upon completing it, you will earn "Mechanical Menace." From then on, there are three more main story quests, the latter of the two yielding "Headhunting" and "Restoring Order" upon their completion.

During these quests, you’ll want to make sure you are actively looting all the robots you kill in order to collect their “mods.” Collecting mods will allow you to use them when building your own robot companions. Once you have picked up ten different mods, "Robot Hunter" will unlock. Finally, building ten different mods at the new Robot Workshop in your settlement will unlock "The Most Toys."

Automatron is an extremely short expansion, yet it still manages to deliver a few hours of enjoyment through its wacky quest and villain, as well as the ability to build your very own robot army! There’s plenty of fun to be had here, and probably just enough to hold us over for next month’s expansion.

Wasteland Workshop DLC

We're back again, Vault Dwellers. Wasteland Workshop, the game's second expansion, is one part entertaining and another entirely forgettable. Devoid of any story elements, this expansion acts as a supplement to the game's already bustling workshop mode. With the addition of new building components, death traps, garden decorations, animal cages, and more, Wasteland Workshop offers decent replay value with three achievements that can either take a few short hours, or quite some time depending on your level, skills, and amount of workshop supplies.

Abbreviated Walkthrough:
After you have installed the expansion and have booted up your playthrough, you're free to begin working on the achievements at your own pace. For starters, you'll want to enter Workshop Mode in any of your settlements and check out the new "Cages" category as well as the material/component requirements for all fifteen cages. It'll take a while to track down everything you need, but soon enough you can build one of every cage type and unlock "Trapper." Once that's done, go ahead and begin working on "Docile" by farming five tamed creatures. You will be required to have the Charisma skill at Level 9 in order to build a specific item needed for this achievement so please refer to the guide below for details. Lastly, you can knock out "Instigator" with ease by building the new blue/red team arena contestant platforms and assigning two different settlers to each. Again, please refer to the guide for more details on how this is done.

Wasteland Workshop is going to leave the community divided in term of its content. Some will enjoy the additional workshop components, as well as pitting tamed Deathclaws against captured Raiders and Ghouls, while others will likely snag the achievements and move on. Regardless of which camp you fall into, Far Harbor's expansion is just around the corner...and it'll be one adventure worth coming back to.

Far Harbor DLC

We're back once again, Vault Dwellers. On this return trip to Fallout 4, we're passing right through the Commonwealth and headed straight to Far Harbor, a mysterious landmass off the coast of Maine. Our mission...searching for a lost girl while battling a colony of Synths and foreign dangers. This expansion offers ten achievements, three of which will come naturally during the narrative and three more quest-related that are slightly missable depending on your actions. The final four will see you slaying new creatures, exploring the island, cooking new recipes, and tracking down a batch of new magazines. Depending on your playstyle and pace, you should see all ten achievements complete in a little under eight hours.

Abbreviated Walkthrough:
After you have installed the expansion and have booted up your playthrough, the first quest, “Far From Home,” will be added to you quest log assuming "Getting a Clue" from the base game has been completed. Upon completing "Far From Home" then, you will earn an achievement of the same name. Following that, completing "Where You Belong," "The Way Life Should Be," (slightly missable) and "Close to Home" will unlock three more achievements. Lastly, "Cleansing the Land," a significant side quest that deals with the fate of the island's factions, will yield an achievement of the same name once completed, regardless of your choice. It's slightly missable depending on the path you take during the quest so please refer to the guide below.

Throughout your journey, you will naturally be making progress towards two achievements: "Hooked" and "New England Vacationer." These are awarded for killing thirty sea creatures and discovering twenty locations respectively. In order to snag "Push Back The Fog," you'll need to unlock three settlements through a series of side quests for the people of Far Harbor. Take note this is missable so please refer to the guide below. Lastly, "Just Add Saltwater" is earned for cooking one new Far Harbor recipe, such as the Poached Angler.

Spread across the dangerous ruins and fog of Far Harbor are five issues of the all new "The Islander's Almanac" magazine. Like the base game magazines, each issue will grant unique bonuses such as resistance to Mirelurks and radiation, as well as adding several locations to your map. Please refer to the achievement guide below the locations of all five magazines. None of them are missable and you will unlock "The Islander's Almanac" once they've all been collected.

Although a bit overpriced, Far Harbor is a great expansion that adds an interesting narrative within a brand new irradiated wasteland to explore. It does its job in adding just enough content for those invested in this universe by way of a mysterious region housing new enemies, equipment, and collectibles. Luckily, only three of the achievements are missable but with enough prep, you'll be fine and should see all ten complete in a few hours. Be mindful there is much more content to explore after nabbing the completion!

Contraptions Workshop DLC

This fourth return visit to the Commonwealth calls for some settlement building; however this time, players will tinker with brand new building components to craft their own manufacturing plants and other creative inventions. Contraptions Workshop acts much like the first workshop-based DLC in that it's devoid of story elements and focuses entirely on adding new crafting components to the bustling Workshop Mode. There are three achievements to grab in this add-on, all of which will take up to half an hour at most to unlock. Get ready to kick back and enjoy a quick and relaxed completion.

Abbreviated Walkthrough:
After you have installed the expansion and have booted up your playthrough, you can begin working on the three achievements at your own pace in any settlement. To begin, you'll want enter Workshop Mode and check the new manufacturing machinery under the "Power" category. If you craft and power a few "Builders" and load them up with junk items, you should see "Mass Production" unlocked in anywhere from ten to thirty minutes. While these machines are producing items, you can quickly knock out "Time Out" by building a Pillory and assigning any settler to it. This item is found under the "Miscellaneous" tab of the "Resources" category. Lastly, take the time to build a display case for a weapon, an armor stand, and Power Armor display stand. These can all be found within the "Displays" subsection of the "Decorations" category. Once you've displayed the appropriate items in each of these display cases, "Show Off" will be yours.

Contraptions Workshop, much like Wasteland Workshop, is a bit of a mixed bag. It really does a fine job of adding unique, creative building components to Workshop Mode, but one can't help to wish for something more, something substantial and story-based. In time, we'll receive another narrative-heavy add-on. Until then...go build some contraptions!

Vault-Tec Workshop DLC

Fallout 4's fifth add-on, Vault-Tec Workshop, acts as a mini-narrative driven experience that sees the Sole Survivor building their very own Vault within the Commonwealth. Like Automatron, there is a short questline involved here which plays on the core Vault-Tech workshop mechanics; that is, building a vault and running experiments on your own settlers. There are three achievements in this add-on, all of which are quite easy and shouldn't last longer than an hour and a half to earn.

Abbreviated Walkthrough:
After you have installed the expansion and have booted up your playthrough, the first quest of the add-on, "Vault-Tec Calling," will be added to your journal so long as you are a Level 20 or higher. After entering the Vault and completing a short quest, you will meet the Overseer and unlock two quests: "A Model Citizen" and "Explore Vault 88." Start with the latter and you will unlock "Better Living Underground" upon its completion. Then work on "A Model Citizen" and you can earn "Vault Dweller" by equipping a settler with a Vault 88 Jumpsuit and Pip-Boy. Finally, make a manual save and use any means necessary to kill the Overseer. This will unlock "Oversight" and you can then reload your save to carry on with the questline.

Vault-Tec Workshop comes and goes in a flash if you're only concerned about the achievements. Despite this, the questline is worth sticking out for its wackiness, and the ability to have your own underground Vault adds a few hours of fun for workshop lovers.

Nuka World DLC

Nuka World, Fallout 4's sixth and final add-on, might just be the game's most memorable expansion yet. Set in the fictional Nuka-Cola inspired theme park, this add-on boasts a narrative that sees the Sole Survivor uniting bands of Raiders together to restore order in the park, while spreading their influence over the Commonwealth. Nuka World also brings ten new achievements; four of which are story-related, three that are tied to collectibles, and another three that involve side quests and slaying new creatures around the park. Depending on your play style and need to explore, you should see all ten achievements complete in anywhere from ten to twelve hours.

Abbreviated Walkthrough:
After you have installed the expansion and have booted up your playthrough, the first quest, “All Aboard,” will be added to your quest log. When you finally reach Nuka World via the monorail and complete the follow-up quest, "Taken for a Ride," you will earn an achievement of the same name. Following that, completing "The Grand Tour," "Home Sweet Home," and "Power Play" will unlock three more story-related achievements. As soon as you meet each Raider gang during "An Ambitious Plan," you should ask for jobs from their leaders. Completing a total of twelve side quests for the Raider gangs will unlock "Raiding for a Living." Lastly, after completing "Home Sweet Home," you should speak with Shank and continue claiming new settlements in the Commonwealth; establishing a total of eight will unlock "Hostile Takeover."

NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: When you arrive in Nuka-Town after the "Taken for a Ride" quest, you can actually miss all of the achievements noted above should you complete the side quest entitled "Open Season." This quest asks you to take out each gang leader, thus turning the entire park against you and instantly failing any story and radiant quests.

Collectibles & Miscellaneous:
Throughout the entire park region are five issues of the all new "Scav!" magazine. None of them are missable and collecting all five will yield "Diebrarian." There's also "Eyes on the Prize," which requires you to redeem 100,000 tickets at the Nuka-Cade. Please see the guide below for specific information on this achievement.

Up next is creating twenty different Nuka-Cola flavors for "Beverageer." This can be done by using the Nuka-Mix stations in each zone of the park. Five of the recipes are given to you from the start, while the other fifteen are unlocked via recipe books found throughout the park. The final achievement, "All Sugared Up," is earned for killing forty Nuka World specific creatures while under the effects of any Nuka-Mix flavor.

Nuka World hosts is fair share of tedious, grind-like achievements, but the narrative is structured rather well and the overall design of Nuka World is original and inspiring. Unfortunately, there are a few missable achievements should you decide to stand up against the raiders and take them out, but within twelve hours or less, everything can be seen through if you work alongside them. All in all, Nuka World seems like a fitting end to Fallout 4.

Final Conclusion (The Taste is so Bittersweet):
Well here we are ladies, gentlemen and ghouls. After years of waiting, months of being teased, weeks of spoilers and teasers, Fallout 4 has graced our consoles, enlightened our lives, and consumed our time. The variety is greater, the wasteland larger, and the possibilities border on endless. Bethesda has delivered another superb addition to the Fallout universe and has done so in a tremendous way. With a captivating and interesting story, enjoyable characters, painstakingly hard decisions and a perk/level system bigger than any before, Fallout 4 delivers on all cylinders providing a top-notch gaming experience.

[XBA would like to thank THE DEADLY DOG and BiggD for this Roadmap]
[XBA would like to thankBiggD for the DLC Roadmaps]

Show completed achievements

Show secret achievements

There are 84 achievements with a total of 1600 points

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (10)

    War Never Changes


    Enter The Wasteland


    Story-related achievement.

    You unlock this as soon as you vacate Vault 111 for the first time.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (11)

    When Freedom Calls


    Complete "When Freedom Calls"


    Quest Giver: Preston
    Location: Concord - Museum of Freedom

    If you are struggling against the Deathclaw your best bet is to enter a building and shoot at it from there. Deathclaws cannot enter through doorways so you can essentially bait the creature toward the door and shred it from inside safety. After killing the Raiders in Corvega Assembly Plant for the settlers of Tenpines Bluff, report back to Preston. When speaking with him, he'll insist that you should lead the Minutemen due to your success with the mission. Accept the offer and the achievement will unlock, as well as the ability to have Preston as a companion.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (12)

    Unlikely Valentine


    Complete "Unlikely Valentine"


    Quest Giver: Ellie
    Location: Diamond City

    This quest has us helping Ellie find her boss, Nick Valentine the coveted detective. You unlock the achievement after you make it out of the vault with Nick.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (13)



    Complete "Reunions"

    Quest Giver: Nick Valentine
    Location: Diamond City / Fort Hagen

    Reunions itself is the second part of two-step story quest. The first is Getting a Clue which goes right into Reunions. You will complete the quest and the achievement when you return to the detective agency.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (14)

    Dangerous Minds


    Complete "Dangerous Minds"

    Quest Giver: Follow-up to Reunions
    Location: Memory Den - Goodneighbor

    You can actually travel to the Memory Den with Piper, Nick Valentine, or by yourself. Once inside the memories you need to get to memory six, and complete it to be able to get out of the brain.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (15)



    Complete "Hunter/Hunted"


    Quest Giver: Virgil
    Location: C.I.T. and nearby area

    You are working with Virgil at this point to find a way into the Institute. He has you hunting down a courser to get their chip which will help with teleportation. The fight can be rather difficult in the confined space you battle him so bringing a companion can help take some of the pressure off of you.

    Also, if you continue to feed chems to Mama Murphy she will actually give you a courser deactivation code in one of her visions. This is a good route to take if you want to avoid the tough battle.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (16)

    The Molecular Level


    Complete "The Molecular Level"


    Quest Giver: Starts following Hunter/Hunted
    Location: Railroad HQ for analyzing chip, then a site of your choosing for building.

    This is best location in the story to decide how you want to play out the rest of the story although it is not the last. TML itself is not a hard quest. You simply must get the chip analyzed (Railroad do it), and then return to Virgil. After you speak with Virgil he will inform you that you need help to make the signal interceptor. You can choose the Brotherhood, the Railroad, or the Minutemen to be the helpers for this project. Choose a faction here will not bar you from working with other factions, or with the Institute later.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (17)

    The Nuclear Option


    Complete "The Nuclear Option"



    Quest Givers: Elder Maxson (Brotherhood), Preston (Minutemen) or Desdomona (Railroad)
    Location: The Prydwen (Brotherhood), The Castle (Minutemen) or Railroad HQ (Railroad)

    The Brotherhood, the Minutemen and the Railroad all lead to this achievement. This is essentially the end game quest for these three factions. While they all have different routes to get to this point, the end goal is the same (spoiler free) and it will unlock prior to "Prepared for the Future".

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (18)



    Complete "Institutionalized"

    Quest Giver: Father (Institute)
    Location: The Institution

    You must complete this quest in order to leave the Institution for the first time. You receive it after teleporting in and being greeted by Father, and must complete it in order to leave.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (19)



    Complete "Mankind-Redefined"


    Quest Giver: Father (Institute)
    Location: The Institute

    This is a quick mission. You simply speak with Father then attend a directorate meeting.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (20)

    Powering Up


    Complete "Powering Up"



    Quest Giver: Father (Institute)
    Location: The Institute

    Powering Up is a fairly linear, quick Institute main quest. Most of the leg work has already been done, you must simply finish powering up the devices for The Institute to complete the quest.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (21)

    Nuclear Family


    Complete "Nuclear Family"



    Quest Giver: Father (Institute)
    Location: The Institute

    The Institute is the only faction that will lead you to this achievement. This is the endgame achievement that runs opposite of "Nuclear Option."Simply follow the Institute's storyline until the end to unlock this ending.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (22)

    The First Step


    Join the Minutemen

    Quest Giver: Preston
    Location: Sanctuary

    You simply need to talk to Preston after returning with him to Sanctuary. He wants you to lead the MinuteMen into the new era. When you accept this role you will unlock Preston as a companion, the Minutemen questline, and this achievement.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (23)

    Taking Independence


    Complete "Taking Independence"


    Quest Giver: Preston
    Location: Sanctuary

    After completing all three of Preston's settlement alliance quests, his next favor is for you to help the Minutemen retake the old Castle in the Commonwealth. It's a pretty short quest, but bring along your best companion and some heavy weaponry (Missile Launcher, Fat Man, etc.) in order to take out the Mirelurk Queen "boss" at the end.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (24)

    Old Guns


    Complete "Old Guns"


    Quest Giver: Preston
    Location: Sanctuary

    Once you complete "Taking Independence,"Preston will give you three new quests. After completing any one of these quests and returning to Sanctuary to hand it in, Preston will let you know that there is trouble at the Castle. This will trigger "Old Guns,"a quest that leads you and Ronnie Shaw into the tunnels underneath the Castle in order to access the old bastion. When venturing down there, watch your step for pesky land mines and be prepared to face off against a high-leveled sentry robot. From here, simply carry on towards the bastion and help set up some new artillery equipment around the fort. When you're all done, head back to Preston to turn in the quest.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (25)

    Semper Invicta


    Join the Brotherhood of Steel


    Quest Giver: Paladin Danse
    Location: Cambridge Police Station/ArcJet Systems

    After raiding ArcJet's facility with Paladin Danse, finding the transmitter and returning to the surface, speak with the soldier. He will reward you with an offer to join the Brotherhood of Steel. Accept his offer and the Semper Invicta quest will begin. Now head back to the Cambridge Police Station and speak with Danse in order to unlock the achievement.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (26)

    Blind Betrayal


    Complete "Blind Betrayal"



    Quest Giver: Elder Maxson
    Location: The Prydwen/Listening Post Bravo

    Blind Betrayal is a pivotal quest in the Brotherhood quest line. You will be dealing with Paladin Danse and his future. Beware that this quest can end Danse's life so if you do not play it right, or do not get his companion perk before hand, you may be locked out of it later. I will avoid spoiling more, but I do suggest you save often during the quest just to be sure you get the outcome you desire.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (27)

    Ad Victoriam


    Complete "Ad Victoriam"



    Quest Giver: Elder Maxson
    Location: The Prydwen

    This is the second to last main mission in the Brotherhood of Steel line. The first quarter of the mission are filled with following and placing items, but the majority of the missions deals with Liberty Prime and following it. Liberty Prime is an absolute juggernaut so there is no need to be out in front of it during the mission, simply follow behind and help kill enemies. Be care though, Prime drops lots of nukes so do not get too close to enemies he is engaging.

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    Quest: Tradecraft
    Quest Giver: Desdomona
    Location: Railroad HQ

    You will get this quest and the ability to join the Railroad following Road to Freedom quest. After being introduced to Desdomona and the Railroad you will venture on a little operation with Deacon. When you get back Deacon will vouch for you and you will be in the Railroad.

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    Underground Undercover


    Complete "Underground Undercover"


    Quest Giver: Desdemona
    Location: Railroad HQ

    This quest spans quite a bit of the Institute quest line as well. Do not feel as though you have gone too far in the Institute if this is still open in your quest log. You end up doing over half of the Institute quest line before this quest wraps up, keep it in mind.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (30)

    Rockets' Red Glare


    Complete "Rockets' Red Glare"


    Quest Giver: Desdemona
    Location: Railroad HQ

    This is one of the main quests for the Railroad. You are tasked with taking the fight to the Brotherhood. Make sure that you do not follow through with the Institute's requests to eliminate the Railroad leadership before completing this quest otherwise you will need to revert to a previous save to complete this mission.

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    Complete "Sanctuary"

    Quest Giver: Sturges
    Location: Sanctuary

    During this quest Sturges will simply request you to build up different aspects of your first settlement essentially giving you a tutorial on what is needed and how to go about beefing up and prospering with a settlement. After you build the defenses for the settlement, return to Sturges to complete the quest.

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    Community Organizer


    Ally with 3 Settlements

    This achievement will come with natural progression in the Minutemen's questline. You essentially just need to do the quest for three settlements and after helping the third settlement, the achievement will unlock.

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    Benevolent Leader


    Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement

    (41)Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (34)

    This achievement is not as difficult or time consuming as you may think. Check the wiki HERE if you want detailed information on the mechanics behind how happiness is computed and what affects it. See below for the fastest, easiest, cheapest way to pop the achievement.

    What you will need:

    • Player level 20, Charisma level 6, Local Leader perk level 2, and Cap Collector perk level 2
      1 water pump (resources > water > water pump)
      • 1 Concrete
        4 steel
        1 gear
      1 max level Bar (stores > food and drinks > restaurant)
      • 5 wood
        1500 bottlecaps
        3 steel
      1 bed (sleeping bag is the cheapest to build) (furniture > beds > sleeping bag)
      • 3 cloth
      2 turrets (defense > turrets > machinegun turret)
      • 16 steel
        2 circuitry
        4 gear
        4 oil
      15-30 days worth of food units stored in the workshop. note: 1 mutfruit = 1 unit, all other food 2 = 1 unit
      1 person. Can be a settler or a humanoid companion.

    Build your water pump, put the food in the workshop, build the bed indoors, set up your turrets, build the max level Bar (under stores > food and drink) and then assign your person to work the bar.

    With everything except the bar, your single person settlement should reach 80 happiness. With the bar, you add 40/# of settlers to your settlements happiness. Hence, with 1 person, you should reach 100 fairly quickly. The number will rise pretty quickly at first jumping 4 points at a time before it trickles down to single point increases and then reaches 100.

    That's it. From there you can go about your questing and exploring business and the happiness will slowly rise. No need to sit and wait or sleep to wait and remain tied to the settlement. You may want to check back periodically to ensure the arrow is still pointing up on the happiness meter and they still have plenty of food.

    Some people have reported the achievement unlocking without the size bar having changed color to indicate a "large" settlement. If you reach 100 happiness and it hasn't popped; the cheapest way to increase your settlement size is to build several of the wooden crate containers (furniture > containers > wooden crate) for 3 wood each.

    This is certainly not the only way to pop this achievement, but it is the simplest. You should be able to use any settlement for this, however, I do recommend Red Rocket or Starlight Drive-In simply because they don't start with any occupants so you have complete control over what and who is in them without having to do any extra work.

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    Complete 10 Side Quests


    Side Quests are bigger quests that are not related to the main story or factions story lines. You will definitely earn this simply by clearing quests out of your data. Just to give you an idea of what it may look like here is still-frame of my data-stats-quest section.

    • Quests Completed - 60
    • Misc Objectives Completed - 44
    • Main Quests Completed - 8
    • Side Quests Completed - 21
    • Brotherhood of Steel Quests Completed - 7
    • Minutemen Quests Completed - 21

    As you can see about 1/3 of the quests I completed thus far have been 'side quests'. You should have no problem earning this without having to go out of your way.

    You can also utilize this list to find specific side quests.

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    Complete 50 Misc. Objectives


    Miscellaneous objectives are small favors/quests that aren't necessarily significant enough to be classified as a side quest. One such objective entails bringing some Jet to Mama Murphy once you reach Sanctuary. Various other objectives such as small fetch-like favors can be triggered frequently so long as you speak to everyone you come across in the Commonwealth.

    To track these objectives, bring up the Pip-Boy. Under DATA, then QUESTS, you should see a tab labeled "Miscellaneous." Any and all objectives listed here can be marked as your active quest for the time being. Completing 50 of these small objectives will come naturally over the course of your playthrough. Just remember to talk to everyone in order to pick up leads, favors, and tasks.

    One good area to farm misc. objectives would be the Diamond City wanted board. You can continuously return to the board to get new wanted tasks. If you look to the left of Moe's Swatter Shop you will see the Wanted board.

    Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (37)

    A second excellent strategy is to call in the vertibird using the Brotherhood smoke grenades. You get a miscellaneous objective for entering the vertibird allowing you to then exit. Fast travel to a new area and throw another grenade rinsing and repeating. For additional smoke grenades see Proctor Teagan on The Prydwen.

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    Gather 1000 Resources Used For Crafting

    Resources used for crafting are what most see as common junk. If you continuously pick things up and put them in your workshops throughout your settlements hitting 1,000 total will not be a hard task. To make it even easier, you do not have to even put the junk in your workshop as the counter increases each time you come into possession of any junk.

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    What's Yours Is Mine


    Pick 50 Locks


    This achievement will come naturally over the course of your playthrough. Lockpicking in Fallout 4 will be simple to those who are accustomed with its mechanics from previous games in the series and even The Elder Scrolls series. In order to pick a lock though, you need bobby pins. They can be found throughout the wasteland or purchased at various vendors.

    Locks will locked (unintentional pun) at the following levels: Novice, Advanced, Expert, and Master. When you begin the game, you will always be able to pick Novice locks provided you have bobby pins. In order to crack higher level locks, you will need a Perception level of at least 4 in order to invest in Tiers 1, 2, and 3 of the "Locksmith" skill.

    Once you begin to lockpick, a close-up of the lock will show on-screen where you insert a screwdriver and bobby pin into the hole. From here, you'll need to move the bobby pin left or right while trying to find the "sweet spot," or the position which will allow you to turn the lock open. You need to fiddle with screwdriver and bobby pin simultaneously in order to find that sweet spot. Don't move the tools too quickly though, or the bobby pin will snap and you'll be down one. Generally, practice makes perfect on this mechanic, so don't fret if you're having trouble cracking some safes and doors. Novice locks will provide good practice before you move onto the harder ones.

    As mentioned, this should come naturally so long as you invest is those skills detailed above and pick every locked door, chest, or safe you see throughout the wastelands.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (40)

    RobCo's Worst Nightmare


    Hack 50 Terminals


    This achievement will come naturally over the course of your playthrough. Throughout the Commonwealth wastelands, you will often find locked terminals inside buildings that are worth checking out for holotapes, backstory, access to nearby stashed loot, and more.

    Terminals are locked at the following levels: Novice, Advanced, Expert, and Master. When you begin the game, you will always be able to hack into Novice terminals. In order to crack higher level consoles, you will need an Intelligence level of at least 4 in order to invest in Tiers 1, 2, and 3 of the "Hacker" skill.

    Once you gain access to the terminal, you will be presented with a list of words, all the same character length depending on the level of the terminal you're hacking; the higher the level, the longer the words. One of these words is the password and in order to find it out, you'll need to first choose any word in either column. If you guessed correctly, the terminal will unlock. If you didn't, the terminal will display "X/Y Correct" where "X" is the number of correct letters for the password if it's in the right spot, and "Y" is the length of the word. For example, if you chose FALL but the password is BALD, you'll see the terminal indicate "2/4 Correct," where "A" and "L" are correct, and in the right position.

    Regardless of the terminal's level, you'll only have four attempts at finding the password. However, if you have Tier 4 of the "Hacker" skill, you'll have unlimited attempts. If you don't have the perk, simply back out of the console on your 4th attempt and re-enter the terminal. This will give you another four tries but also reset the password! Overall, this should come naturally so long as you invest is those skills mentioned above and hack every locked terminal you see.

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    Armed and Dangerous


    Create 50 Weapon Mods

    One of the easiest ways to tackle this is to go to a weapon workbench with a baseball bat in your inventory. Now simply go through and create each modification for the baseball bat (different colors and items tacked on to bat). After you have created each mod (approximately 9) simply put the mods in your workbench and remake them.

    The mods only cost wood, a commodity that is easy to come by making this method cost effective and extremely quick.

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    Wasteland D.I.Y.


    Craft 100 Items


    Here we are talking things like food and chems. If you collect meat from creatures you kill over the course of playing through, you should amass a healthy collection that you can then take to a cooking station.

    One of the easiest items to make tons of is jet. You simply need fertilizer and plastic (200 fertilizer and 100 plastic for 100 rounds of jet).

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (43)

    Never Go It Alone


    Recruit 5 Separate Companions


    In total, there are 13 companions in the Commonwealth that you can recruit during your playthrough. None of them are missable as recruitable NPCs cannot die. For this achievement, you only need to recruit 5 different companions; you don't have to do their special companion quest. A full list of companions can be found HERE. Breaking it down with character and location:

    • Cait - Combat Zone
    • Codsworth - Sanctuary Hills
    • Curie - Vault 81
    • Danse - Camridge Police Station
    • Dogmeat - Red Rocket Gas Station
    • Deacon - Old North Church
    • Hancock - Goodneighbor
    • MacCready - Goodneighbor
    • Valentine - Vault 114
    • Piper - Diamond City
    • Preston Garvey - Museum of Freedom and then Sanctuary
    • Strong - Trinity Tower
    • X6-88 - The Institute
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    Reach Maximum Relationship Level with a Companion


    Dogmeat cannot be used for this achievement.

    In order to reach the maximum relationship level with a companion you need to complete quests with the person, perform actions they like (Piper for instance likes me picking into things), and avoid doing things your particular companion does not like (Piper for instance does not like me persuading people).

    For a full breakdown of likes/dislikes, check the Fallout 4 Wiki.

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    Build 100 Workshop Items

    "Workshop Items" are things you create for your settlements. You can either rush this achievement by building lots of small wooden crates, or you can allow it to come naturally as you work on your settlements throughout the game.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (46)

    Future Retro


    Play a Holotape Game


    Holotape games can be played through the various Recreation Terminals found within buildings and Vaults around the open world. This achievement can be earned early on during your playthrough when visiting Vault 111. There is a Recreation Terminal inside the kitchen on the lower floor. When you access the Terminal, select the "[Play Tape]" option. This will launch the "RED MENACE" game and unlock the achievement. There are several Recreation Terminals in the game, so don’t think this is the only place to indulge in some mini-game madness!

    Thanks to PowerPyx for the video.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (47)

    …The Harder They Fall


    Kill 5 Giant Creatures


    For any of the listed giant creatures below you need to secure the killing blow otherwise it will not count toward this achievement. Also note that there is no tracking in-game to follow this as well.

    • Four Behemoths located throughout the map. Their locations will be coming up soon.
    • Mirelurk Queen - Taking Independence Quest (MinuteMen, taking the Castle)
    • Swan - Swan's Pond (Northeast of Diamond City. Near Combat Zone/Boston Common)

    Thanks to PowerPyx for the video.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (48)

    Ranger Corps


    Discover 100 Locations

    With 330+ locations in the game this achievement will not be something you worry about unlocking. Going into the actual city of Boston and exploring all of the unknown locations can net you upwards of 40 locations within the city limits.

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    Print's Not Dead


    Read 20 Magazines

    (4)Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (50)

    Magazines are darted all throughout the wasteland. When the Fallout wiki has a compiled list of magazines and locations, it will be linked here for you.

    Keep an eye out when you clear locations, trade with vendors, and complete quests in new areas as there are often magazines stored where battles take place, objectives are located, or stashes are hidden.

    Makeshift List of Locations (Bold is a complete list of all that magazine type).:

    • You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! & Astoundingly Awesome Tales
      • Dunwich Borers
      • Hubris Comics - Top floor in the star's bathroom on a table.
      • Outpost Zimonja - On the workbench.
      • Park Street Station (Vault 114) - Living quarters are, under Laundry sign [+5 action points]
      • Pickman Gallery - Last area where you meet Pickman on the ground in front of a steamer chest. [+5 poison resistance]
      • Sanctuary (Your old home)
    • Grognak the Barbarian
      • Back Street Apparel - Ruined upstairs apartment in front of a TV on a table.
      • Boston Common In covered area, near the skeleton, right next to Swan Pond (Swan the giant will be in this area).
      • Hyde Park - South side of main street, at the top of the raider encampment under a little tent.
      • Malden Middle School (Vault 75) - Overseer's office, bedroom top floor on the bed.
      • Museum of Witchcraft
      • Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup - South of main warehouse in office. Next to terminal.
      • Yellow House just north of Andrew Station
    • Guns & Bullets
      • Fort Hagen - Top floor kitchen on a long table.
      • Fort Independence (Castle) - Center Courtyard on the desk next to the radio.
      • Gunners Plaza - Top floor lounge area on a small table in-between sofas.
    • Live & Love
      • College Square - At the station entrance behind the counter on top of the safe.
      • Revere Beach Station - Top floor of the promenade building, next to the cooking pot and steamer trunk.
    • Massachusetts Surgical Journal
      • Cambridge Polymer Labs - Director's office (upstairs master lock) on his desk.
      • Greenetech Genetics - Third floor in dinning area on an end table.
    • Picket Fences
      • Beantown Brewery - Foreman's office, top floor, in between the mat for a bed and the steamer truck on the floor.
      • Combat Zone - Ground level near the bar.
      • Hardware Town
      • Med-Tek Research - Bottom floor where the cure is located during The Long Road.
      • Saugus Ironworks - Directly below the explosive bobblehead on the third floor (boss room).
      • Weston Water Treatment Plant
    • RoboCo FUN!
      • Fort Hagen - Command Center, right next to Kellogg’s terminal (in the room where you battle him).
    • Taboo Tattoos
      • Thicket Excavations - In the metal trailer overlooking the excavation site on the south side.
    • Tales Of A Junktown Jerky Vendor
      • Longneck Lukowski’s Cannery - Top floor, overseer's office next to the terminal with a bobblehead.
      • Wreck of the EMS Northern Star - On the small round table with an umbrella and radio on the top of the ship.
    • Tesla Science
      • Poseidon Energy - Top floor boss room next to broken terminal and bobblehead.
      • Rocky Cave - On Virgil's tool desk.
      • University Point - Upstairs room when you enter the building. On a desk.
    • Tumblers Today
      • East City Downs - Upstairs in the commentator's booth next to the black sofa on the end table.
    • U.S. Covert Operations Manual
      • Fort Hagen - Command Center, bottom floor bedrooms next to the armory. On a nightstand next to beds.
      • Fort Strong - General's office. Bottom floor behind two novice locks (right side).
      • Libertalia - Right before you enter the room in the main floating structure in the area. On a desk next to a life preserver and red chair looking west over the area.
      • Lonely Chapel - Through the trapdoor into Red's room. It is on the table next to letters.
      • National Guard Training Yard - Inside the barracks on a table in the kitchen.
      • Tradecraft Mission - During the mission you will need to infiltrate an old Railroad base of operations. At the bottom level next to a terminal in a command room the magazine is on the desk.
      • USAF Satellite Station Olivia - Inside the instillation in the locked room. It is accessible through the terminal outside.
      • USS Constitution - Captain's quarters on a small circular end table.
    • Unstoppables
      • Suffolk County Charter School - Library room next to a broken terminal adjacent to the chained door.
    • Wasteland Survival Guide
      • Gorski Cabin - Inside the bunker through the back room on the desk next to the computer.
      • Sunshine Tidings Co-op - Inside the closed cabin by the silos. Beware of ghouls inside.
  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (51)

    Prankster's Return


    Placed A Grenade Or Mine While Pickpocketing


    Before you can attempt this achievement, you will need to invest in the second rank of the Pickpocket perk in the Perception skill tree. This perk will allow you to place a live grenade or mine inside a stranger’s inventory, increasing your success rate by 50%. If you have yet to loot any explosives in the open world during your playthrough, you can always buy grenades from the merchants in Diamond City Market.

    Once you have a grenade and the required perk, sneak up on a stranger from behind and make a manual save. Now try to pickpocket them. Once their inventory menu has opened, place your grenade in their inventory and back away quickly. Within seconds, the NPC will blow up and the achievement will unlock. If you were spotted while attempting this prank, simply reload your save file and try again.

    Thanks to PowerPyx for the video.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (52)



    Kill 300 People


    People are strictly humanoid in nature. Here we are talking raiders, gunners, citizens of towns/cities, the forged and members of alliances--even those people who are not hostile to you.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (53)

    Animal Control


    Kill 300 Creatures

    Killing creatures is an integral part of the Fallout experience. You will hit the 300 number in no time. For a comprehensive list of all of the creatures that count toward this achievement, check out the Fallout 4 Wiki. Provided below are some of the most common creatures you will encounter throughout the wasteland, although it is not a complete list.

    • Feral ghoul
    • Super mutant (all forms)
    • Mole rat
    • Mongrel
    • Bloodbug
    • Mirelurk (all forms)
    • Radroach
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    Get a Homerun


    This achievement can be earned fairly early on in your playthrough. In Diamond City Market, there are four base plates scattered around the market grounds. Starting at the “home base plate” near the entrance of town, you need to make sure way around the market counterclockwise, stepping over first base, second base, and third base in the process. Think of it like the game of baseball.

    Once you return back to home base and step over the plate, the achievement will unlock. Refer to the video below for a visual guide on where each base plate is located.

    Thanks to PowerPyx for the video.

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    Get a Touchdown


    This achievement is obtained for allowing a Super Mutant Suicider to kill you once during your playthrough. The Suiciders can be recognized easily due to their bomb jacket’s blinking red light. They will also storm across the landscapes and run straight at you, so you should no worries differentiating these enemies from other wastelands hostiles. Suiciders will spawn in a variety of locations around the open world environment, so you may end up unlocking this without preparing much at all. Travel to the train wreck between Somerville Place and Hyde Park to find a Suicider.

    You can also be killed by a Fat Man (nuke launcher) to unlock the achievement.

    Thanks to PowerPyx for the video.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (56)

    They're Not Dolls…


    Collect 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

    (2)Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (57)

    Refer to "…They're Action Figures" for a text and video breakdown on all 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads.

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    …They're Action Figures


    Collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

    (16)Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (59)

    In Fallout 4, there are a total of 20 bobbleheads that must be collected for this achievement. Like the bobbleheads in past games, these collectibles are unique in that they unlock special perks for your character and also help increase your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats.

    Luckily, none of them are missable this time around, meaning you can tackle the hunt for these bobbleheads at any time during your playthrough. Despite them not being missable, some will require that you complete specific quests in order to gain access to their locations around the open world. If you want to keep track of which collectibles you’ve already found when mopping these up, you can refer to your Pip-Boy’s “Misc.” tab.

    Refer to the video guide below for specifics on how to obtain each bobblehead. And should you desire a brief text description of where to find each collectible, then that is provided below as well.

    Bobblehead – Perception
    Bonus – (+1 Perception)
    Location – Museum of Freedom

    Bobblehead – Science
    Bonus – (+1 Extra Guess when hacking terminals)
    Location – Malden Middle School
    Note – Loot the school’s access card from Gunner Commander inside this vault

    Bobblehead – Explosive
    Bonus – (+15% damage with explosives)
    Location – Saugus Ironworks

    Bobblehead – Sneak
    Bonus – (10% harder to detect)
    Location – Dunwich Borers

    Bobblehead – Barter
    Bonus – (Prices are 5% better)
    Location – Longneck Lukowski’s Cannery

    Bobblehead – Repair
    Bonus – (Fusion Cores last 10% longer)
    Location – Corvega Assembly Plant

    Bobblehead – Intelligence
    Bonus – (+1 Intelligence)
    Location – Boston Public Library

    Bobblehead – Melee
    Bonus – (+25% critical damage with all melee weapons)
    Location – Trinity Towers

    Bobblehead – Strength
    Bonus – (+1 Strength)
    Location – Mass Fusions Building

    Bobblehead – Lock Picking
    Bonus – (Lockpicking is permanently easier )
    Location – Pickman Gallery

    Bobblehead – Speech
    Bonus – (Vendors have 100 more caps for batering)
    Location – Park Street Station / Vault 114
    Note – Can only be collectbed during or after the main story quest entitle “Unlikely Valentine” in Diamond City

    Bobblehead – Energy Weapons
    Bonus – (+25% critical damage with all energy weapons)
    Location – Fort Hagen

    Bobblehead – Unarmed
    Bonus – (+25% critical damage with all unarmed attacks)
    Location – Atom Cats Garage

    Bobblehead – Endurance
    Bonus – (+1 Endurance)
    Location – Poseidon Energy
    Note – If you have master lockpicking, you can enter through the building’s roof. If not, then you’ll need to enter through the drainpipes in the surrounding waters

    Bobblehead – Agility
    Bonus – (+1 Agility)
    Location – Wreck of the FMS Northern Star

    Bobblehead – Luck
    Bonus – (+1 Luck)
    Location – Spectacle Island

    Bobblehead – Small Guns
    Bonus – (+25 critical damage with ballistic guns)
    Location – Gunners Plaza
    Note – Loot the recording room key from Ryder inside this area

    Bobblehead – Big Guns
    Bonus – (+25% critical damage with heavy guns)
    Location – Vault 95
    Note – Enemies inside this Vault are extremely high-leveled, so approach with caution

    Bobblehead – Medicine
    Bonus – (Stimpaks heal 10% more damage)
    Location – Secret Vault 81
    Note – Buy three fusion cores from any Vendors in the wasteland to enter Vault 81. Then one inside, find and talk to Bobby in the reactor room, then talk to the Doctor on the lower deck. Now leave the vault and sleep for 24 hours. Return to the doctor, accept the quest and follow Bobby.

    Bobblehead – Charisma
    Bonus – (+1 Charisma)
    Location – Parsons State Insane Asylum
    Note – You must be Level 10 or higher. Kill some of the guards outside the Asylum, then talk to Edward Deegan. He can be located in one of four places: 1.) Colonial Taphouse, 2.) Dugout Inn in Diamond City, 3.) Third Rail in Goodneighbor, 4.) Bunker Hills. After speaking with him, you will trigger the "Special Delivery" quest. Complete that quest, and the follow-up quest, "Emogene Takes a Lover.” This will then trigger the quest "The Secret of Cabot House" and you’ll finally have access to the Asylum.

    Thanks to PowerPyx for the video.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (60)

    Born Survivor


    Reach Level 5


    Refer to "Legend Of The Wastes" for leveling tips and tricks.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (61)

    Commonwealth Citizen


    Reach Level 10


    Refer to "Legend Of The Wastes" for leveling tips and tricks.

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    Unstoppable Wanderer


    Reach Level 25

    Refer to "Legend Of The Wastes" for leveling tips and tricks.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (63)

    Legend Of The Wastes


    Reach Level 50


    Reaching level 50 is a test of patience and thoroughness. You will earn XP for just about any action you perform in the game. That includes completing quests, killing wasteland hostiles, discovering new locations, picking locks and hacking terminals, crafting settlement items, tweaking gear and weapon mods, cooking recipes, and even passing speech checks in dialogue.

    All in all, XP will be rolling your way over the course of your playthrough, and so long as you are persistent with your exploration and questing, reaching level 50 won't be a problem at all. In the event you want a little boost throughout your playthrough though, you can invest in the "Idiot Savant" perk (level 5 perk) under the Luck skill tree. This perk will randomly grant you small amounts of bonus XP for any action you perform; the lower your Intelligence skill, the greater the chance of XP. It may not seem like much, but it all adds up.

    If you are having trouble leveling there are a plethora of repeating quests that you can do ad nauseam to gain massive levels.

    The Institute:

    • Pest Control
    • Hypothesis
    • Appropriation
    • Reciamation
    • Political Leanings

    Brotherhood of Steel:

    • Cleansing the Commonwealth
    • Quartermastery
    • Leading by Example
    • Learning Curve
    • Feeding the Troops


    • Butcher's Bill 1
    • Butcher's Bill 2
    • 'Name here' Safehouse
    • Jackpot
    • Concierge
    • Weathervane
    • 'Name here' Safehouse
    • Variable Removal
    • To the Mattresses
    • Lost Soul
    • A Clean Equation
    • High Ground

    The Minutemen:

    • Clear 'Area'
    • Eliminate Enemies 'Area'
    • Defend a Settlement
    • Stop the Raiding
    • Kidnapped 'Person'
    • Water, Food, or Power
    • Suspected Synth
  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (64)

    Prepared for the Future


    Decide the Fate of the Commonwealth


    This is the end game achievement. You will be awarded this after you choose the path for "Nuclear Family" or "The Nuclear Option".

DLC: Automatron (Store Link)

There are 5 achievements with a total of 100 points

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (65)

    Mechanical Menace


    Complete "Mechanical Menace"


    Story related, cannot be missed.

    “Mechanical Menace” is the DLC’s first quest. When it’s added to your quest log, go ahead and listen to the Caravan Distress Signal on your radio and then head out Wattz Consumer Electronics.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (66)



    Complete "Headhunting"


    Story related, cannot be missed.

    “Headhunting” is the third quest of the DLC. This quest sees you tracking down the remaining two Robobrains in the Commonwealth; one near Andrew Station and the other inside Fort Hagen.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (67)

    Restoring Order


    Complete "Restoring Order"


    Story related, cannot be missed.

    This is the final main quest of the DLC. Simply install the M-SAT inside one of your robot companions at the robot workshop, and then head out to the Mechanist’s lair to confront the villain.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (68)

    Robot Hunter


    Unlock 10 Robot Mods

    (3)Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (69)

    Nearly every robot enemy you encounter throughout this DLC will have robot components – or “mods” – on them. As such, be sure to loot every fallen robot after you’ve killed them. When collected, these mods will unlock and appear under the “Mods” sub-section of the “Inventory” tab of the Pip-Boy.

    You should have no issue unlocking this achievement naturally over the course of the DLC so long as you actively loot robot hostiles.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (70)

    The Most Toys


    Build 10 Robot Mods


    Once you have built the Robot Workshop at any of your settlements during the “A New Threat” quest, you can then use it to build robot companions and deck them out with various mods (similar to Power Armor). When using the workshop, just select “New Automatron.” From there you can begin building their various components—head, torso, arms, and legs.

    While you do start off with a few mods from the get-go, you’ll have to collect more off fallen robots to unlock further customization and modification options. Additionally, you will need junk items to build these modifications, just as if you were building Power Armor mods. Lastly, you will need specific ranks of the Science! And Robot Expert perks to build the higher end mods.

    This achievement can be unlocked as early “A New Threat” when upgrading Ada. All you need to do is change her color a total of ten times (robot paint does not require any material/junk).

DLC: Wasteland Workshop (Store Link)

There are 3 achievements with a total of 50 points

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (71)



    Have 5 Tamed Creatures in a Settlement


    After building one of any cage in a settlement, you will be given a prompt on how to capture wasteland animals via cages and how they can be tamed. Cages will only capture animals when they are properly powered via a generator. Once a cage is up and running, it will then have the chance to catch its specified creature when you're sleeping or away from your settlement for a prolonged period of time.

    To start, head to a completely empty settlement (make sure there are no settlers and no defenses) and build a cage that would house a wild, dangerous animal such as a Mutant Hound, Insect, Mirelurk, Deathclaw, or Radscorpion. Now build a Beta Wave Emitter (please see the note below) next to the Cage and power both items with a generator. Take note doing this in an empty settlement isn't required, but it makes the process much easier/faster.

    Next, build a bed right in front of the cage and sleep for 24 hours. When you awake, the cage will either be opened and closed. If opened, rest again for a full day. If closed, an animal has been captured so enter Workshop Mode and store the cable that runs from the generator to the cage in order to open the cage. The Emitter will automatically tame the captive, so don't worry about being defenseless. Now reattach a new cable from the generator to the cage, repair the cage (tap "A" on the cage in Workshop Mode) with the required materials, and rest again for 24 hours. Repeat this process until you have five tamed animals in this settlement.

    NOTE: In order to build the Beta Wave Emitter, you will need Level 1 of the Animal Friend and Wasteland Whisperer perks in the Charisma skill tree. Thus, in order to get this achievement your Charisma skill must be at Level 9 (or higher).

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (72)



    Start a Spectated Arena Fight in a Settlement


    This is easily done in any populated settlement of your choosing. First, enter Workshop Mode and construct a "Quitting Time Siren" anywhere where there is clear space. This item is found under CAGES > MISCELLANEOUS. Power it with a generator and then construct both a Blue and Red Team Contestant Platform nearby. These items are found under CAGES > ARENA. From there, assign a settler to each new platform. As soon as the second settler is assigned, the two will become hostile towards each other and begin fighting!

    When this happens, exit Workshop Mode and quickly activate the Quitting Time Siren right away. It will blare its alarm and the achievement should unlock within a few seconds.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (73)



    Build One of Every Cage Type


    In the Workshop menu of any settlement, you will now find a "Cages" category on the far right. There are multiple variants of cages you can build: Small (4), Medium (5), and Large (6). As with any settlement item, you will need a decent amount of crafting materials in order to build all 15 cages.

    Mostly every cage requires Copper, Gears, and Steel (please see below), although each will also require a unique animal/creature meat or other miscellaneous item to construct. So long as you have the room in your settlement to build each cage, you should start tracking down all the materials you need.

    If you're in desperate need for some of the animal meat needed for the cages, you can always visit Choice Chops (Polly the Butcher) in Diamond City Market. She will have some of animal meats you'll need, specifically those for Brahmin, Mole Rat, Mongrel Dog, Radroach, Radstag, and Stingwing (and Mirelurk Eggs, too...though her inventory changes every visit). Just buy the items you need, wait two days on the nearby wooden bench, then visit her again, repeatedly, until you have your meats. For the rest of the items, you'll need to do some open world hunting!

    Check out THIS POST for a quick summary on where to find some basic building materials such as copper, gears, and nuclear material. Additionally, refer below for a shorthand checklist of the "unique" items you'll need for each cage.

    Small Cages

    • Cat Cage - Softshell Mirelurk Meat x2
    • Dog Cage - Canned Dog Food x3
    • Mole Rat Cage - Radroach Meat x4
    • Mutant Hound Cage - Brahmin Meat x2

    Medium Cages

    • Feral Ghoul Cage - Mongrel Dog Meat x4
    • Gunner Cage - Bottlecap x500
    • Insect Cage - Mole Rat Meat x4
    • Raider Cage - Jet x6
    • Super Mutant Cage - Brahmin Meat x5

    Large Cages

    • Brahmin Cage - Razorgrain x4
    • Deathclaw Cage - Yao Guai Meat x4
    • Mirelurk Cage - Mirelurk Egg x4
    • Radscorpion Cage - Stingwing Meat x4
    • Radstag Cage - Carrot x4
    • Yao Guai Cage - Radstag Meat x4

    Although Polly's inventory will reset after waiting for 48 hours, she doesn't carry a large supply of the meats/items you'll need...so it will take a while to gather everything. She also doesn't sell certain items. For those supplies she doesn't carry, please see below for additional notes on where they can be found in the Commonwealth.

    Softshell Mirelurk Meat

    • Looted off Softshell and Hunter Mirelurks along the coastline of Salem (NE on the map)

    Canned Dog Food

    • Six cans can be found on the highway southeast of Jamaica Plain, which also hosts the armored dog named Alissa
    • Three cans can be found in Proctor Quinlan's quarters on The Prydwen (on a bookshelf)


    • There is a medium-size razorgrain field behind University Point's main building (SE on the map)

    Yao Guai Meat

    • Four dead Yao Guai can be found in a ravine/ditch due north of Coastal Cottage (NE on the map)

DLC: Far Harbor (Store Link)

There are 10 achievements with a total of 180 points

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (74)

    Far From Home


    Complete the quest "Far From Home"

    Story-related, cannot be missed.

    This quest sees you traveling to the Nakano Residence in the northeast of the Commonwealth and speaking with Kenji and his wife about their missing daughter. After speaking with them both, investigate the boathouse to find Kasumi's whereabouts and then speak with the parents once you have your intel. You're now free to hop on Kenji's boat and head out to Far Harbor to complete the quest.

    NOTE: This quest will only be added to your journal after "Getting a Clue" from the base game's questline has been completed.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (75)

    Where You Belong


    Complete the quest "Where You Belong"


    Story-related, cannot be missed.

    This quest will begin after you reach Acadia with Longfellow. It's rather short and simply involves speaking with DiMA, then heading downstairs to confront Kasumi, and then heading back up for another conversation with DiMA. Be sure to explore the entirety for Acadia, though. There are countless items worth picking up (like an issue of "The Islander's Almanac") and multiple characters to speak to if you're looking for extra side quests.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (76)

    The Way Life Should Be


    Complete the quest "The Way Life Should Be"


    This achievement is missable!

    After the five memory hacking sequences during the "Best Left Forgotten" quest, follow the new objective that leads you to the secret medical facility in the Vim! Pop Factory. Afterwards, return to DiMA in Acadia and confront him with the truth you've uncovered from the facility.

    You'll be presented with multiple options on how to deal with this situation: tell Far Harbor, ask DiMA to turn himself in, or keep DiMA's secret. All three paths lead to different outcomes for the end-game narrative, but they all eventually lead to the quest's completion, thus unlocking the achievement.

    NOTE: This achievement is missable if you decide to fully complete the "Cleansing The Land" quest, which is triggered by recovering the Kill Switch Code or Nuclear Launch Key, prior to speaking with DiMA in Acadia.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (77)

    Cleansing The Land


    Complete the quest "Cleansing the Land"


    This achievement is missable!

    This quest will be triggered upon entering the Grand Harbor Hotel OR traveling to far off island west of the mainland for their respective side objectives during the "Best Left Forgotten" quest.

    If you decide to travel to the hotel, follow the waypoint towards the safe room upstairs and listen to the tape on the terminal. Afterwards, head out to Fringe Cove Docks to recover the launch key and then decide which path you'll take: Destroying the Nucleus or informing the High Confessor.

    NOTE: In order to get this achievement, you must choose to destroy the Nucleus without speaking to High Confessor! If you decide to inform High Confessor about the launch key and then hand over the key, the quest will fail and you will miss the achievement.

    If you decide to do the other objective instead, travel to the isolated island in the west and recover the kill switch code. Now head inside the Wind Farm Maintenance Shed next to Acadia and follow the objective markers to repair the fuse box. Once seen through, deal with the hostiles beyond the security gate as you make your way to Turbine 003 to active the kill switch. Return to the High Confessor after flipping the switch to turn in the quest.

    NOTE: Taking this path during the quest will ensure the destruction of Far Harbor...but it does indeed unlock the achievement.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (78)

    Close To Home


    Complete the quest "Close to Home"

    Story-related, cannot be missed.

    After dealing with the DiMA situation at the end of "The Way Life Should Be," you'll be tasked with returning to the Nakano Residence in the Commonwealth and relaying the outcome of the island's events to Kenji. A short task, but once he is filled in, the case will close and the achievement will unlock.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (79)

    The Islander's Almanac


    Collect all issues of "The Islander's Almanac" magazine

    (15)Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (80)

    Magazines are back in Far Harbor, though this time there are only five issues to collect. Luckily, none of them are missable. Two of them can be found in locations you come by naturally during the main quest while the rest are off the beaten path.

    Please see below for a checklist on the locations of all five magazines.

    Far Harbor: Inside The Last Plank, it can be found on the table next to Longfellow.

    Acadia: Inside Acadia, it's sitting on top of the counter on the floor underneath DiMA's control center.

    Brooke's Head Lighthouse: At the very top of the lighthouse, it can be found on a small wooden table.

    National Park Vistor's Center: From the front entrance, it's sitting on a counter in the room your the right.

    Northwood Ridge Quarry: Inside the hideout near the beds/steamer trunk, it's sitting on top of a small table.

    Once all five magazines have been collected, the achievement will be yours. Feel free to refer to the video guide below if further assistance is needed. Thanks, PowerPyx!

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (81)



    Defeat 30 Far Harbor Sea Creatures


    Far Harbor is home to an entirely new ecosystem. Some of the new creatures you'll stumble across during your missing persons case and side quests include Gulpers, Anglers, and massive Fog Crawlers. These creatures aren't all that common when traveling inland, but so long as you explore the coasts and stick to the waters and swamps, you should have this done in no time.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (82)

    New England Vacationer


    Discover 20 Far Harbor Locations

    In Far Harbor, there are a little over forty locations worth uncovering, each unique in their own right. You only have to discover half that amount for this achievement so this will unlock naturally as you progress through the narrative and work on smaller side quests here and there for the different factions and townsfolk of Far Harbor.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (83)

    Push Back The Fog


    Unlock 3 Far Harbor Workshop Locations

    This achievement is missable!

    There are a total of four workshop locations in Far Harbor but this achievement only requires you to unlock three of them. In order to actually unlock them, you will need to complete specific side quests tied to that location. Please see below for a breakdown.

    Longfellow's Cabin: After traveling to Acadia with Longfellow during the "Walk in the Park" quest, this location will unlock.

    Dalton's Farm: On the pier in Far Harbor, speak with Cassie and complete her "Blood Tide" quest to gain access to this location.

    National Park Visitor's Center: After completing "Rite of Passage" from Terry, which is triggered after helping Cassie (or Avery or the Mariner), speak with Mitch inside The Last Plank. Completing his quest, "The Hold Out," will unlock this settlement.

    Echo Lumber Lake: After completing "Rite of Passage" from Terry, which is triggered after helping Cassie (or Avery or the Mariner), you will gain access to "Turn Back the Fog" from Small Bertha. During this quest, you must refuse Malcolm's request to keep the land yourself in order to gain access to the settlement.

    NOTE: This achievement is missable if you do not complete the associated side quests for each settlement before destroying Far Harbor, assuming that's the path you take during "Cleansing the Land."

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (84)

    Just Add Saltwater


    Cook One of the New Far Harbor Recipes

    When you finally reach Far Harbor, the town will be attacked near immediately by Gulpers and Anglers, cutting your conversation with Avery and Allen short. Join them in killing the creatures and be sure to loot all of the Angler Meat. You can now cook Poached Angler (requires 1 Angler Meat) at any Cooking Station. There is one station in Far Harbor and another at Longfellow's Cabin just northwest of the pier.

DLC: Contraptions Workshop (Store Link)

There are 3 achievements with a total of 50 points

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (85)

    Show Off


    Display a weapon on a weapon rack, armor on an armor rack, and power armor in a power armor display.


    All three of these display cases/stands can be found in the Workshop Mode menu under "Decorations > Display."

    For the weapon rack, choose any of the several weapon displays available (make sure you have a weapon for the display you're building) and build it anywhere there is space in your settlement. Now you can interact with the weapon rack and display the appropriate weapon on it. Next, construct an armor stand and once built, interact with the mannequin in order to transfer a few armor pieces onto it. Make sure to "equip" the armor pieces so they actually appear on the mannequin.

    Finally, build a Power Armor display. This item requires a few more crafting components than the previous two displays: 6 Gear, 4 Oil, 4 Screw, 4 Plastic, 12 Aluminum, 6 Fiberglass and 3 Circuitry. Once built, enter a Power Armor suit and stand on the display's circular base pad. Now exit the suit and interact with the display case to properly "line it up." Once all three of these items are displayed, the achievement will unlock.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (86)

    Time Out


    Assign a settler to a pillory


    This item can found in the Workshop Mode menu under "Resources > Miscellaneous." You only need four pieces of wood and one piece concrete to build it. Once it has been constructed, simply assign any one of your settlers to the pillory and the achievement will unlock once you get the "this resource is now assigned" notification on the screen.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (87)

    Mass Production


    Produce 100 objects from your builders


    Each of the different manufacturing machines can be found in the Workshop Mode menu under "Power > Manufacturing > Machinery." For this achievement, you'll want to focus on using the "Builder." Each of these machines require 2 Circuitry, 3 Gear, 4 Rubber and 10 Steel to build.

    To expedite this achievement, it's best to build at least four of these machines next to each other. They will each require eight power to operate, so build however many generators necessary to have all four machines up and running. Once they're powered, you will need to interact with each Builder and transfer over a good amount of "junk items" into each. These junk items are what will automatically produce newly crafted items.

    After you've loaded up each of the Builders with junk, simply sit back and wait for ten to fifteen minutes until the achievement unlocks. The more Builders you have loaded up with junk, the quicker this will unlock.

DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop (Store Link)

There are 3 achievements with a total of 50 points

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (88)



    Become Overseer


    After completing "Explore Vault 88" and "A Model Citizen," and you have obtained the other two achievements in this add-on, make a manual save. You can now kill Overseer Barstow at any time in order to unlock this achievement. Feel free, as it's encouraged, to reload your save so you can carry on with the questline.

    Alternatively, this will also unlock after completing the last experiment in "Lady Luck" and allowing Barstow to pass the mantle of Vault 88 Overseer onto the Sole Survivor.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (89)

    Better Living Underground


    Unlock all Vault 88 build areas


    So long as you are a Level 20 or higher, the DLC's first quest, "Vault-Tec Calling," will be added to your journal. After completing this short quest and the subsequent, "Better Living Underground," you will meet Overseer Barstow.

    Speaking with her the first time will trigger the "A Model Citizen" quest, during which you will need to build an Overseer's Desk (which is found under the "Special" tab of the workshop menu) and activate the Vault's Radio Beacon. This will then trigger "Explore Vault 88." During this quest you will need clear out rubble that's blocking the entryways to each Sector - North, North-East, and East - and find their workshop stations.

    Your compass will guide you in finding each Sector's workshop station, however when you try to interact with one, you'll be tasked with finding a nearby control board in order to power it up. The control boards are marked on your compass. Once all three workshop stations are powered up and available to use, this achievement will unlock.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (90)

    Vault Dweller


    Equip Vault 88 suit and Pip-Boy on a settler


    After completing "Explore Vault 88," you should continue working on "A Model Citizen." During this quest you will conduct three interviews with Overseer Barstow for potential Vault residents. Once the final interview is done, grab the Vault 88 Jumpsuit on the nearby trunk and check inside said trunk for additional suits and Pip-Boys.

    You can now speak with your new resident, Clem, and ask to trade items. Here, you can give him a Pip-Boy (found under your Misc. tab) and a Vault 88 Jumpsuit (found in the Apparel tab). Make sure to actually equip the Jumpsuit and the achievement will unlock.

DLC: Nuka World

There are 10 achievements with a total of 170 points

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (91)

    Raiding for a Living


    Complete 12 quests for any Nuka-World Raider Gangs


    During the "An Ambitious Plan" story quest, Gage will ask that you make your rounds across the park and speak to each of the Raider Gangs: The Disciples, The Operators, and The Pack. When speaking with each of the faction leaders for this quest's objective, you can choose to inquire about side work. These side jobs are the quests you must complete for this achievement.

    Each of the gang's quests usually involve killing a target, kidnapping a target, or protecting a group of Raiders from an attack. All of these side quests take place in the Commonwealth, so it's best to accept one job from each leader before heading out. This will limit you to four visits to mainland, thus speeding up the achievement a considerable amount. After completing any twelve of these side quests, the achievement will unlock.

    NOTE: As noted in the roadmap, this achievement is technically missable if you choose to complete the "Open Season" side quest, which sees you taking out each gang's leader. This quest is given by Mackenzie, the doctor in the Nuka-Town Market. Take note that killing a gang leader will aggro every raider in the park, failing all story and radiant quests.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (92)



    Collect every issue of Scav! Magazine

    (3)Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (93)

    Magazines are back once more in Nuka World and there are only five issues to collect. Luckily, none of them are missable but they are usually hidden away in areas you wouldn't normally inspect unless you're keen on thorough exploration.

    Feel free to refer below for a checklist on the locations of all five magazines.

    The Galactic Zone: Facing the front doors of the Star Control building, follow the exterior walls to the left and make your way past the locked gate. Continue forward and you will find the magazine on a crate near a ruined bus.

    The Junkyard: This Junkyard can be found on the western edge of the region/map. The magazine is located upstairs on a computer desk; just take the stairs from the ground floor on the left side when entering the garage.

    Kiddie Kingdom: While exploring the Fun House, you will eventually pass through the rotating hypo-walls. When you first enter this room, walk into the tunnel on your right, then turn left. Walk straight ahead into the dead end alcove and the magazine is on the floor to your right.

    Grandchester Mystery Mansion: After finishing the guided tour, pick the master-lock leading to the attic. Upstairs, you will find the magazine on the right-hand side of the room, sitting on a wooden box.

    Dry Rock Gulch Theater: After entering the "Employee's Only" area of the Dry Rock Gulch, make your way towards the back of the compound where you'll find some red cargo containers and some wooden planks leading to the garage roof. Cross onto the adjacent building and the magazine is perched on a wooden table.

    Once all five magazines have been collected, the achievement will be yours. Feel free to refer to the video guide below if further assistance is needed. Thanks, PS4Trophies!

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (94)



    Create 20 different flavors of Nuka-Cola

    (7)Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (95)

    In total, there are exactly twenty different flavors of Nuka-Cola. The variants can be made at any Nuka-Mix machine found within the different zones of the park (i.e. Safari Adventure, Galaxy Zone, etc.). You will automatically start with the following five flavors:

    • Newka-Cola
    • Nuka-Buzz
    • Nuka-Fancy
    • Nuka-Free
    • Nuka-Twin

    The remaining fifteen flavors must be found throughout the open world via their lootable recipe books. These books, like any collectible, are unmarked and well hidden throughout the entire park. They are blue in appearance, so keep your eyes peeled while exploring the interiors and exteriors of each zone.

    Once all of the recipes have been collected, you can head over to any Nuka-Mix machine and begin crafting the drinks. Take note that most of the materials needed to craft each drink can be purchased from Shelbie Chase in the Nuka-Town Market.

    Feel free to utilize the checklist and video guide below for help in finding the recipe books. Thanks, GamerRanx & Indecisive Prophecy!

    • Nuka-Cide: Nuka-Town USA, Cappy’s Cafe
      • Found in the backroom office behind the trader counter.
    • Nuka-Punch: Grandchester Mystery Mansion
      • Located at the end of the tour, where you’ll encounter the Gunner boss. It's sitting on a bureau with a yellow lamp.
    • Nuka-Rush: Safari Adventure, Welcome Center
      • Located on the reception desk down the steps from the entrance.
    • Nuka-Xtreme: Dry Rock Gulch, Theater
      • Up on the rooftop with the flag where you’ll claim the park for one of the Raider gangs; look on the small table next to the sitting corpse.
    • Nuka-Void: Galactic Zone, Starlight Interstellar Theater
      • Can be found on the counter in the main theater area where the Sentry Bot is stationed.
    • Nuka-Cooler: Galactic Zone, Star Market
      • Enter Star Market from the Star Control square. Just as you enter, turn left and look in the first shop; the recipe is on the book display case.
    • Nuka-Ray: Galactic Zone, RobCo Battlezone
      • Located on the ground or on the shelves in the gift shop underneath the bleachers.
    • Nuka-Berry: Kiddie Kingdom, King Cola’s Castle
      • Located in the dressing room backstage, on a counter beneath a lit mirror.
    • Nuka-Power: Nuka-World Power Plant
      • Found in a large suspended office with a billiard table near the roof hatch. Look on the skeleton’s desk.
    • Nuka-Frutti: Hubologist’s Camp
      • Found in the main diner camp area, on a booth table.
    • Nuka-Bombdrop: Dry Rock Gulch, Mad Mulligan’s Mine (Exterior)
      • Look on the Nuka-themed food cart to the left of the Minecart ride, between the Bandit Roundup game.
    • Nuka-Sunrise: Dry Rock Gulch
      • Crack the Expert lock on the exterior red door found to the right of the Theater.
    • Nuka-Lixir: Kiddie Kingdom, Fun House
      • Complete the Fun House to access the Employees Only tunnels. Go to the computer terminal overlooking the two spinning platforms to find the recipe book.
    • Nuka-Hearty: Safari Adventure, Jungle Journey Theater
      • Go to the shack found behind the theater stage; it's located on a shelf to the right once you open the shack door.
    • Nuka-Love: Evan’s Home
      • This scavenger is located south of Nuka-Station. Talk to him and he’ll offer supplies. Agree to take them for a recipe reward.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (96)

    Hostile Takeover


    Establish 8 Raider Camps in the Commonwealth


    During the "Home Sweet Home" quest, you will work alongside a Raider named Shank in taking over your settlements in the Commonwealth and establishing Raider Camps in their place. This can be done in one of two ways: violently (attacking your settlers) or peacefully (coercing them into leaving through two speech checks).

    You will automatically establish three Raider Camps during this story quest. After turning the quest in to Shank, you can then speak with him (he'll remain at the front entrance of the park) any time after and select the "claim new territory" dialogue option. He will ask which settlement you want to overtake, check to see if it's available (essential NPCs cannot be in a settlement you want to overtake), how you'd like to go about taking the land, and which Raider Gang you want to assign to the settlement.

    All you have to do is establish five additional Raider Camps in the Commonwealth and this achievement will unlock.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (97)

    All Sugared Up


    Defeat 40 Nuka-World Creatures while under the effect of any Nuka-Mix flavor


    Before working on this achievement, you'll want to stock up on a few Nuka-Mix flavors, preferably those which have the longest lasting effects: Nuka-Ray, Nuka-Power and Nuka-Punch. Please refer back to "Beverageer" for information on how to find and craft these variants.

    With a decent stock of the aforementioned flavors on hand, head out into the wastelands surrounding the park - or continue on with the story quests if you have not yet completed the narrative - and begin hunting down Nuka-World Creatures. Such creatures include, but are not limited to, Painted Ghouls, Rad Rats, Gatorclaws, Bloodworms, Cave Crickets, Forager Ants, Gazelles, and Brahmiluffs.

    Before engaging in combat with a Creature, just chug your Nuka-Mix drink and proceed with the killing. If you want to check if the drink's effect is still active, you can pull up your Pip Boy and enter the "STATUS" tab of the "STATS" menu.

    This achievement will unlock after killing forty Creatures while under the effects of a Nuka-Mix drink. As a recommendation, you should work on this on during the story itself, especially during "The Grand Tour," as farming Creatures post-narrative takes significantly longer and is much more tedious of a process.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (98)

    Eyes on the Prize


    Redeem 100,000 tickets at the Nuka-Cade

    (20)Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (99)

    The Nuka-Cade can be found within Nuka-Town, just before exiting the gates that lead to Fizzy Mountain. In order to partake in the arcade games you will first need to obtain Nuka-Tokens. These can be found throughout the park, purchased from the arcade owner, or acquired by trading in Pre-War money to the token dispenser machines.

    There are several games within the arcade but for this achievement you'll want to focus on Bandit Roundup. Disregard the pistol they supply you with; any weapon with the explosive mod will suit you far better as it ensures you do not have to manually aim and shoot each moving target. For example, the Spray n' Pray machine gun that can be purchased from Cricket, a traveling merchant in the Commonwealth, is one of the best weapons to use during this mini-game. Whichever weapon you do choose to work with, just make sure you have plenty of ammo on hand. Should you ever run out, Shelbie and Aaron inside the Nuka-Town Market sell plenty of ammo.

    Enter a token into the arcade machine and let it rip. The goal of the game is to shoot as many moving targets as possible within seventy to eighty seconds. The amount of tickets you earn is slightly correlated to your score (i.e. a score of 8,500 will yield around 800-875 tickets). Given the steep ask of this achievement, you will need to play Bandit Roundup upwards to 100+ times in order to amass 100,000 tickets.

    Alternatively, thanks to The Pants Party, there is a cheap and more effective method to earn tickets by playing the Hoop Shot mini-game. Please refer to THIS POST for more information and a visual demonstration.

    You'll also notice that throughout the park are ticket rolls, much like those found inside the RobCo Battlezone's reception office or the projection booth of the Kiddie Kingdom Theater. These ticket rolls will help, but don't rely on them; there aren't many and they only have 800-1000 tickets, which is as much as one game of Bandit Roundup or Hoop Shot.

    Once you have the required amount of tickets, return to the main lobby of the arcade and interact with the ticket terminal. Select "Redeem Tickets" and the achievement will unlock shortly after.

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (100)

    Taken for a Ride


    Complete "Taken for a Ride"

    Story-related, cannot be missed.

    This achievement will unlock after running the Gauntlet and defeating the Raider Overboss within the Arena during "Taken for a Ride."

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (101)

    The Grand Tour


    Complete "The Grand Tour"


    Story-related, though slightly missable if you follow through with the "Open Season" side quest.

    This achievement will unlock after securing all five regions of the theme park and assigning a Raider gang to each zone during "The Grand Tour."

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (102)

    Home Sweet Home


    Complete "Home Sweet Home"

    Story-related, though slightly missable if you follow through with the "Open Season" side quest.

    This achievement will unlock after fulfilling all of Shank's requirements for establishing new Raider camps within the Commonwealth during "Home Sweet Home."

  • Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (103)

    Power Play


    Complete "Power Play"

    Story-related, though slightly missable if you follow through with the "Open Season" side quest.

    This achievement will unlock after dealing with the traitorous Raider Gang and taking out their leader at the Power Plant during "Power Play."

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Fallout 4 Achievement Guide & Road Map (2025)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.