Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

and 2.1 Marion, Indiana, Chronicle 13, Radio and Television World 2 NEW YORK, MINS) -Last year's most drama series, 90," Thursday night started its new season with a resounding thud. "The Death of Manolete" suffered from miscasting (Jack Palance in his matador's hat looked like 'a member of the Mickey Mouse club); an absence of any true Spanish mood, no suspicion of the tense, coiled spring, drama inherent in the most famous bullfighter of all and other shortcomings too many to detail. Suzy Parker, a celebrated refugee from high fashion modeling haying her first fling at TV, was a wooden stick as an actress, did not appear particularly attractive and drummed one-note performance which consisted of a sullen attitude and a shake of her head. Its writing (Paul Montash from Barnaby, was Conrad's as wooden due as Mano- Miss Parker's performance. The actor playing Manolete's manager (his name escaped us as the credits passed gave the best and.

truest characterization the pretty dogged. 90 minutes which needed 'excitement of al: most every sort and never "Tic: Tac Dough," the daytime Jack Barry quiz, moved the evening NBC schedule Thursday night with Jay Jackson as emcee. It's just another exercise in what now is quite apparent in the Barry-Enright school of fabricated suspense all girl contestants veritable Vivienne Nearings, every boy a Van Theona Bryant, will be in the Gleason's girl. Man" cast (that's a fat I Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson by Jack 0'Brian Eddy are on "The Big Record" Sept. 25.

Red Skelton will use the proposed move of the "Dodgers to L.A. as his Oct. 1 seasonal premiere comedy By which time the Bums may bave decided to stay A CBS-TV will give lots of air time to the German elections this weekend. Playwright Marc Connelly is polishing his TV version of "Green Pastures" by telephone from London, and won't come back until it's over, over here (Oct. Vocational Group Slates Meeting Two local representatives of the Indiana Vocational Association.

will attend the annual session of the organization to be held Saturday at the new Metropolitan High School building, 1605 E. 86th Indianapolis. forenoon speaker will be Dr. Robert Turner, former presidential advisor and a professor of business administration. Following a luncheon in the school cafeteria, Robert Whitney of New York City, publisher of National Sales Executive magazine, will speak.

Walter Tucker, vocational director of Marion city schools and a former association president, will attend. He will be accompanied by John Lee, vocational drafting instructor. Approximately 500. vocational instructored and administrators to attend. Christian Science Lecture Is Clifford R.

Nysewander, Indianapolis, today had told a Marion audience that alignment with divine law brings true health, harmony and dominion. He spoke Thursday night in the First Church of Christ, Scientist. The Christ message of God's goodness power presents a practical answer to humanity's problems, both individual and collective, the speaker said. Nysewander spoke under the sponsorship of the Marion church. At present he is on an extended tour member of the Christian Science Board of lectureship, and his subject Thursday night was "Christian Science: Practical Christianity Revealed and Demonstrated." Presenting him was Mrs.

Lloyd Blaker. College Schedules Teachers' Class Marion College is starting a night course for elementary teachers next week, Dr. William F. McConn, president, announced here today. The official said the class is a course which anyone interested may take, but it is a required course for grade teachers.

It is entitled Social Science Methods No. 322. The initial meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. Monday in the administration building, Dr. McConn said.

Peace, Social Workshop Set A workshop on peace and social problems will be conducted at the Church of the Brethren Monday and Thursday nights by Ralph Smeltzer, Elgin, Ill. Smeltzer's experiences include work on a resettlement program for Japanese Americans following World War II, serving as director of the Brethren service program in and of the Church World Service in the Chicago area. The Elgin man also did part time work in the German student exchange program, and has been an active pastor. The meetings. which will start at 7:45 p.m., are open to anyone.

Tuberculosis Test Set At 'Two Sites Tuberculin testing program as the Grant County Tuberculosis Association will be resumed Monday in the Upland and Matthews Schools. Mrs. Maureen Smith, executive secretary of the association, said Dr. E. C.

Taylor will be in charge of administering the tests. Association officials said the tests were given to boys and girls at Sweetser and Roseburg Wednesday under the direction of Dr. Lester Renbarger and Dr. Henry Fisher. A total of 207 students, including those in the first, seventh, ninth and 11th grades was tested Wednesday by, Dr.

Renbarger. At Roseburg, 51 boys and girls in the first grade and 39 in the seventh grade, were tested by Dr. Fisher. Mental Hygiene Class Scheduled Tuesday Class on mental hygiene will be conducted by Dr. Robert Hill, Ball State Teachers College faculty member at Muncie, at 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday in the Noble Township High School in' Wabash. C. O. Duker, principal, said the course, may be taken eithgraduate or undergraduate credit, and lit also applies on administrators license. The course will be provided if there are at least 1 16.

persons attending the meeting. READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS 'u 3 Somerset SOMERSET In honor of the fifty seventh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Roy King. a family picnic dinner was deld.

Sunday at their home. Mr. King received many gifts. Those attending were and Mrs. Orville Groff, Dayton.

Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore, Joan and Fort Wayne. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Fyson. Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Fehman.

Kenny and Diane. Fort Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Howard King.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert King, Mr. and Mrs. Junior King and the honored guests.

Afternoon callers Mrs. Marie Downey and Mrs. Harriet Haupt and children. Wabash. Mrs.

Hazel Garst entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of the third birthday anniversary of her granddaughter. Karan Garst, guests were and Mrs. Clarence Garst. Barbara and Tommy Snyder spent Friday overnight and Saturday with their grandmother. Mrs.

Verna Knee in Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Baker: and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Guy Jerry. Muncie. were Wednesday Shields: A family picnic dinner was. held Sunday at the home of and Mrs. Kenneth Ogan.

Tom Ruth. near Wabash. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Ogan and and Eddie, Mr.

and Mrs. Jim Ogan Mrs. Robert Ogan, Michael and Lori, all of Wabash; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Joseph and children.

Finley, Ohio: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Givler, and Mrs. Jennings Fayanne and Mike. Roannia Mr.

Mrs. Anna Pence and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ogan. en Mr.

and Mrs. Burvia Cochran and Sandra Lucas were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Coch- ran. Marion.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald, South Liberty Bend; Mrs. Devon Smith, AnMills; Mrs. Emma Morris, derson; and Mrs.

Fanny Powers. Richmond, wer: Monday callers of Mrs. Ray McDonald and Lon MeDonald. Mr. and Mrs.

Wendell Albaugh and Terry Sue, Anderson, were Sunday evening callers of Mrs. Eva Albaugh. Mrs. Guy Garst spent day with her sister. Mrs.

Kenneth Harper and daughters. Swayzee. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lindsey were Saturday evening supper guests of Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Browne. North Manchester.

They also called on Mrs. Anna Douglass at the Parrett Nursing Home. Wabash and and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell' Durnbaugh family.

Wabash. Lawrence Purdy and son. Roger Purdy. daughters, Miss Sharon and Miss Sheilah Purdy, Nashville, Ohio, spent the weekend with chul- the Rev. and Mrs.

Jim 1 Purdy and dren. Mr. and Mrs. George Hickman, Marion, were Friday guests of her Mr. mother, and Mrs.

Irvin Smith were Mrs. Blanche Minnick. Thursday guests of and Mrs. Guy Darby. Peru.

Mrs Agnes Burns. Wabash, spent the weekend with Mrs. Roy Dean. On Sunday. they were all dinner guests Mr.

and Mra. Homer Jennings, Roanoke. Kenneth Smith and Richard attended the Gun Show at Smith, Hoopston, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

John Keefer and children, and Mrs. Maggie Orebaugh. Dakeville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Schlegel.

Mrs. Vernice Schaide of Indianapolis spent the weekend with her rarents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MaMr.

and Mrs. Verlin Deeter. Indianapolis. were Friday night visitors of his mother. Mrs.

Bessie Deeter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morris were Thursday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Millner and Susie. Wabash. Mr. and Mrs. Faris Holcom, Rosetta.

Portia and Janie. Wellton, Ariz. and Mr. and Mrs. Garl Hoicom, Orangevale, a Calif, arrived Sunday at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Oral Holcom, they were called by the serious illness of Mrs. Holcom. Mrs. Madge Grindle.

Oklahoma, visited last week with her sister. Mrs. Mabel Macy niece, Mrs. Marie Huffman, Sunday. Mr.

at and the Mrs. Kenelm Grindle called Macy home and Mrs. Grindle returned home with them for a visit. Other callers Sunday at the Macy home were Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Nelson. Marion, and Mrs. Zadie Zook. Converse. Mr and Mrs.

Frederick Snyder and Beverly were Saturday evening supper guests of Mrs. Verna Knee and Larry, Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swift and Arthur Jr.

and Mrs. Gordon Kirand daughter, Tamara, Muncie were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Guy Shields. Rhaull Dick, Fort Wayne, is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs.

Burvia Cochran and Sandra Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lindsey entertained at supper Friday for Mrs. Gertrude Campbell, Converse.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morris. Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Ogan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windoffer. Mr.

and Mrs. Bill Harris, Baltimore. were Tuesday guests Mr. Ray McDonald and Miss 'Petty McDonald. Mr.

and: Mrs. Victor Minnick: were Monday guests of his mother. Mrs. Blanche Minnick. Rov Dean was a business visitor Kokomo Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Smith attendthe Golden Wedding observance Mr. Mrs. Vern Dailey, Sunday in Amboy.

Mrs. Kenneth Smith was a Sunguest of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Harrelll and Marcia, near Lincolnville Mrs. Vernice Schaide.

and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mackey. Indianapolis. Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Maple, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Keefer, Jayne Ann, Nancy and Philip. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Maple, Christie and Barry, attended a family dinner Sunday at the home of and Mrs. Joe Mullins near Kokomo. Mr. and Mrs.

Glen Foreman and son, Bradford, Ohio, were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sen1; legel. E. Warren Air Base.

Cheyenne Jimmy Holcom A the Franspent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hotcom. Mrs. Mabel Macy spent Monday 3 1, Gas City GAS CITY Mr.

and Mrs. John Russell and children, Detroit, were recent guests of his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Russell.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mrs. Eliza Lewark spent Thursday, visiting with Mrs. Oscar Stith and Mrs.

Grace Koeler, in It drivers' Chesterfield. course will be given by the Mississinewa High School, if enough show interest. The class will be taught by Charles Fisher, High School instructor, and will probably be given on days. There will be a $13 fee for the course. Any one interested is requested to call phone 7611.

The annual convention of District Five of Indiana, composed of Christian Churches of Grant, Wabash, Huntington, Wells and Adams Counties, will be held at the Christian Church in Swayzee Sunday. The afternoon services will start at 2:30 p.m. with a convention dinner to. be held at 3:30 p.m. and the evening service at 7 p.m.

The Rev. Harry Spears is the pastor of the Swayzee church and the Rev. convention George W. superintendent. Cartwright is The Rev.

Hole, of the Church, will preach from the theme "'The Spiritual Glow" at the 10:30 a.m. service Sunday. Music will be by the choir under the direction of John Paul Owens. Bible School will be -held at 9:30 a.m, with Zan Wood as superintendent. Rally and Promotion Day will be held Sept.

29. Evening service will be resumed Oct. 6. The annual Sunday School picnic of the Wesleyan Methodist Church will be Saturday at the City Park in Upland. The Sunday School bus will make its regular route starting at 10 a.m.

The group will leave the church at 10:45 a.m. Children and parents are invited and are asked to bring a wellfilled about basket. Dinner will be served furnished noon and ice cream will be by the Sunday School. Sunday School will be held at 9:30 0 a.m. followed by preaching at the Rev.

Edward Smithee, Pastor, services. 10:30 a. m.and regular evening Court Minutes SUPERIOR COURT Opal E. Stewart vs. Surgel Stewart.

Separation. Costs paid. Cause dismissed. Frederick Cunningham Jr. by his next friend Frederick Cunningham Sr.

VS. Robert and Luella Deal. Damages. Cause dismissed. Costs against plaintiff.

Summitville SUMMITVILLE A dinner was held recently at Matter Park" in Marion honoring Mr. and Mrs. Duane Stevens. and daughter, dian Head. Md.

Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Royal, Mrs: Thelma Royal. Marion; Mr. and Mrs.

DeLoren Bright, Mr. and Mrs. James Bright and daughter, Summitville: Harold Burdge, Miss Susan Brewster and Miss Martha Adams, Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Royal and family, Miss Judy Kennedy, Miss Elaine.

Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bill Small, Jack Wright and Lowell Stevens. The Psi Iota Xi Sorority opened the winter season recently in Alexandria at the Indiana and Michigan Electric Co.

rooms. Hostesses were Mrs. Clara Jones and Berniece Smith. During the business session the scholarship fund raised from $100 to $150. Indianapolis symphony tickets for the use of high school students were purchased.

A contribution was made to the Salvation Army. The sorority also sponsoring a tuberculosis patient. Plans were also made to bold a rummage sale. Those attending were Mrs. Margeret Vinson, Mrs.

Helen Irwin, Mrs. Martha Van Ness. Mrs. Rosalind Mornan, Mrs. Mabel Bruning.

Mrs. Miller, Judy Bruning. Mrs. Martha Martin, Mrs. Lois Melling.

Mrs. Ann Miller, Mrs. Marjorie Prough, Mrs. Nelle I Graham: Mrs. Mabel Beeson.

Mrs. Jane Kurtz. Mrs. Mildred Dyson, Mrs. Helen Nottingham and Mr.

Marjorie Dyson. The October mecting will at the home of Mrs. Helen Larry Forrest and Ronny DaLong have left for Milligan College. where they will resume their studies. Mrs.

Marcia Banker is a patient in St. John's Hospital. Anderson. where she recently underwent surgery. 14 The Christian Women's Fellowship will meet at the Christian Church Thursday.

Devotions will be Riven by Mrs. Ethel Broyles, and lesson, by Mrs. Bertha Swain, Mrs. Juanita Kilgore's circle will be in charge of the socia! hour. silent auction will be a feature.

Brownie Troop No. 436 will hold first fal meeting Wednesday after school at the Lions Den. Mrs. Dorothy Moore will be in charge. She will be assisted by Mrs.

Opal Watts. HOMECOMING SET Homecoming will be observed at Landess Christian Church Sunday with a basket dinner at noon. The Rev. Marlene Cooper and Dewey Zent will be the speakers. FISH FRY SET Arrangements have been made for Church of God in Christ to hold a fish fry Saturday.

Serving, will begin at noon. with her daughter. Mrs. Emil Smith and Mr. Smith.

Sante Fe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holderman and Gary, Peru, were Sunday sup. per guests of Mr.and Mrs.

Irvin Mrs. Don Shaw and Mrs.Marie Huffman were Monday guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Sutton and family, Antioch: Mr. and Mrs.

Otto Miller, LaFontaine. called on Mrs. Ray MoTuesday afternoon. Richard- Dennis. Wabash, Mrs.

Mac Fehman, Fort Wayne and Mrs. Duna King called on Mr. and Mrs. Oral Holcom, Sunday. "Mrs! Beverly, Fort Knox, spent several days with Mr.

and Mrs. Oral Holcom. Sims SIMS 2 Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Davis and: children were Sunday guests of and Mrs. Wayne Kilgore, Matthews.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macklin and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mossburg and family, Liberty Center.

Mr. and; Mrs. McCleery and daughter! and Mrs. Albertine Loftis sons called on? Mrs. Thomas McCullough and Clifford Lee Rust Monday.

Mr. and' Mrs. Chris Lamb and son and George Lamb, all of Greentown, spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb.

Joe, and Sandra Powell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker, Sunday guests of Mrs. John Boucher were Mr. and Sam Miller, Kokomo, and Lindel, Rex, Hal and Vicki Boucher.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Agness and daughter, Melody Ann, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewellen and family, Elwood.

son called "on Mr. Mrs. 'Alfred Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, Rust and Rust and children, Wabash, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb were guests' of Mr. and Mrs. James Riddell and family.

Mrs. Homer Maple Run; Bernard Edwards, Marion, and Mrs. Boucher attended the wedding of Miss Alice ey, Scottsburg, to Robert Williams of Austin, at the Austin Christian Church recently. Mr. and Mrs.

Pat Marion, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rust and sons, and Mrs. Thomas AcCullough. AL FIRING SCHEDULED Officers and men of Company of the 329th infantry, Marion Army Reserve unit, will join other units of the regiment to participate in crew-served weapons firing at Camp Atterbury off Saturday, that and the Sunday.

firing Local exercise officers this weekend is designed to improve the efficiency of the unit In the firing of such weapons as the mortar, machine gun, recoilles rife and rocket launcher. Units will bivouac Saturday night and will return to home stations Sunday night. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF AN Notice is hereby given the Common Council of the City of Marion, Indiana, at a regular session on the 3rd day of September, 1957, did adopt the following Ordinance. 3. GENERAL ORDINANCE NUMBER 40 1957.

AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN REAL ESTATE TO THE CITY OF MARION, INDIANA, ESTABLISHING THE ZONING OF THE SAME, MATTERS PERTAINING NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Marion; Indiana, as follows: I SECTION 1.. That the following. described real estate located in Grant County, Indiana, and being contiguous 'and adjacent to the present corporate; limits of the City of. Marion, Indiana, be and the same is hereby annexed to said City of Marion, Indiana, and iricluded within its corporate limits, as follows, to-wit: Lot Number Two (2) in Section 1 of Gardner Thomas's Sub-Division in Grant County, Indiana. SECTION Il.

That the, above described real estate shall be zoned for residential use a Residential One (1) (R-1) district. all as provided by law. force proval passage That and by by this the the effect ordinance Mayor Common from and shall and be Council, after in publication gREET: Passed by, the Common Council of the City of Marion, Indiana, this 3rd day of September, 1957.1 WILLARD G. BLACKMAN, Mayor Presiding Officer Attest: Verna Hays, City Clerk. Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Marion, Indiana, this 3rd day of September.

1957. VERNA HAYS, City Clerk. APPROVED by me as Mayor of the of Marion, this 3rd 1- day of September, 1957. WILLARD G. BLACKMAN, Mayor, City of Marion, Indiana.


NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Marion, Indiana, 88 follows: SECTION That the 1 following described. real estate located In Grant County, Indiana, and being contiguous and adjacent to the present corporate limits of the City of Marion, Indiana, be and the same hereby annexed to said City of Marion, Indiana, and included within its corporate limits, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at point in the North line of Section Thirty-six Township Twenty-five (25) North, Range Seven (7) East, said point being One Hundred and Seventyseven (177) feet West of a brass plug which marks the intersection of the centerline of State Highway Number Fifteen: (15) and the North line of the Section (36); thence South at an. angle of Eighty-nine (89) degrees and Fifty (50) minutes to the left of. the North line oft the said Section Thirty-six (38) One Hundred and Eighty-nine (189') feet, or toi an existing corner post; thence West and parallel to! the North line pf the said Section Thirty-six (36) One Hundred and Fifty (150') feet: thence North and parallel to the East line of this tract One Hundred and Eighty-nine (189') feet, or to: a point in the North line' of the said Section Thirty-s1x (36), said point being Eight Hundred and Eighty-twa (882') feet East of the Northwest corner. the Northeast Quarter of the said Section Thirtysix (38'): thence East in the North line of the said Section Thirty-six, (36) One Hundred and Fifty (150') feet, or to the place of beginning: Sixty-five Hundredths (0.65) ad an acre, more or less: being a part of the North east Quarter of Section Thirty-six1(36), Township Twenty-five (25) North, Range Seven (7) East, Pleasant Township, Grant: County, State of Indiana; and being, subject to.

legal highways SECTION I US That the above described real estate shall be zoried for residential: use as a Residential One (R-1) district. That this Ordinance shall be th full force and effect from after its pasage by the Common Council, approval by the and publication all as provided by law.3 A EA Passed by; the Common Council the City of Marion, day' of September, 1957. 2 WILLARD G. BLACKMAN, Mayor Presiding Officer Attest: Verna Hays. City Clerk, Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Marion, Indiana, this 3rd day of September, 1957.

VERNA HAYS, City Clerk. APPROVED by me as Mayor of the City of Marion, this! 3rd dAy of September, 1957. WILLARD G. BLACKMAN, Maydr, City of Marion, Indiana. (SEAL) 6, 13, 1957, Additional Church 1 Flinn Home Resident Plans First Flight Mrs.

Minnie D. Kendall, a resident of the Emily E. Flinn home for the past seven years, today was eagerly' awaiting her initial plane trip which will be taken Tuesday with, her sister, Mrs. Lela Underwood of Indianapolis. They will fly to Seattle, where they will first visit with a great niece, Mrs.

H. E. Silvernail, afterwhich they to visit. will go to Moscow, Idaho, their sister, Mrs. Emma Carson who is 93.

"Although it will be first flight, I'm not. scared," she declared, as she explained that the first leg of the trip will be made by bus from Marion to Indianapolis. The Indianapolis sister likewise will be taking her first ride in an airplane. A resident of the Marion community since 1894, Mrs. Kendall is the of George Kendall, an older brother of John W.

Kendall, the principal of Marion High School. The Kendalls lived on 8 farm located three miles west of Marion on the Roseburg Pike. Mrs. Kendall is widely known the community, having worked in a number of Marion stores both before and after her mariage to George Kendall who died in $1929. 7 Hospital Notes During the present construction period, relatives and friends of' patients are asked 'to keep their visits to a minimum.

ADMISSIONS Kathryn Phillippe, Jonesboro. Anthony W. Dudley, 751 Lincoln Blvd. Mrs. William M.

Sutton, R. R. 3, Marion. Gibson, Fairmount. Walter W.

Edward Miller, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Mac Harless, 1715 Olive St. Margaret: Zowd, 1605 E. 37th St.

Helene Ernst, 814 W. Fourth St. Howard Ball, Three Acre TrailCourt. Mrs. Fred Horn, Gas City.

Hazel Howe, Jonesboro. Mrs. Harley Moorehead, 1313 W. Fifth St. 3 Mrs.

Paul Yeater, Jonesboro. Fenton Mrs. Rd. Peter John Velasquez, 915 DISMISSALS Mrs. Jesse Gonzalez, Marion.

Clarence A. Moore, 148 N. son St.E Mrs. James Davis, 311 S. Baldwin St.

Mrs. William R. Colbart, Roann. Raymond Carmichael, 2228 W. 13th St.

Mrs. Robert Satterthwaite. R. R. Marion.

Paul Sheron, 213 N. St. Marvin J. Brewer, Fairmount. Gwendolyn Bounds, 922 W.

35th Mrs. St. John Lee, Fairmount. Mary Parrish, R. R.

3, Marion. Milan Lloyd Duncan, 1806 Jeffras Ave. Eliza M. Faulkner, 1820 S. Branson St.

Charles Richard Sargent, 709 S. Branson St. Mary Walker, 704 E. 22nd St. Randall Baker, 3810 S.

Meridian St. Joe 'Johnson, 3007 is. Selby St. Vergie Doyle, Van Buren. Thomas (Lucero, 3121 S.

El Mrs. Washington Charles Carter, 4216 S. Poplar St. Ross Smith, Kokomo. BIRTHS Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Bales, 306 E. Swayzee girl, Sept. Mr. and Mrs.

Peter John Velasquez, 915 girl, 11:01 a.m., Sept. 12.. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Wilson, 2356 W.

10th 9:58 a.m., Sept. Mr. 12. and Mrs. Charles Pitman, Matthews, boy, 10:27 a.m., Spet.

Gonzalez, 12. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jesse Marion, boy, 11:46 a.m., Sept. 12.

and Mrs. Frank Raymond, 2804 S. Hamaker 4:40 p.m. Sept. 12.

Mr. and Mrs. Felix Belcher, 1006-N. Branson girl, 2:40 a.m.; Sept. 12.

1. FIRST CHRISTIAN Church School will be conducted at 9:30 a.m. followed at 10:30 a.m. by worship and communion service. The Rev.

G. Lavon Fisher, minister, will use as the theme. of 'his sermon, "Like a' Tree." The Chi Rho Fellowship meeting, for junior high youths, will be held at 5 p.m. in the intermediate chapel to organize for the fall and winter season. Christian Youth Fellowship meeting will be under supervision of Clair L.

Stafford. TRINITY METHODIST The fall and winter schedule, which will be resumed this week, is as follows: Worship service at 9:30 a.m. and Church School classes at 10:15 0 a.m. Night worship service at 7:30 p.m. The pastor, the Rev.

Russell D. Dilley, will speak on "Far From Alone" at the morning worship and Centurion Meets Jesus" at 7:30 p.m. HANFIELD METHODIST Sunday School will begin at 9:30 a.m. MYF will meet at 6:30 p.m. and the evangelistic service follows an hour later.

Prayer meeting will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday with the pastor, the Rev. Joseph Kipfer; in charge. AUTO DEALER DIES RISING SUN, Ind. UP -Harry D.

Green. 71, Rising Sun, died Wednesday night. He was the father of Cornelius Green, Indiana bureau chief for the Cincinnatl Times-Star and had been an auto dealer for the last 40 years. He was also a former Switzerland County Democratic chairman. LEGAL NOTICES WORLD.

Be it known, that on the 5th day of September, 1957, the above named plaintiffs by their attorney, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court of said Grant County, complaint in the above-entitled cause, against the following named defendant: MARTHA BELLE GLASS; the unknown husband or widower, the unknown heirs or devisees of said above named defendant; the unknown husband or wife, widower or widow, the unknown heirs or devisees of any such person shown by the public records of Grant County, State of Indiana, at any time the past to have had any interest in the real estate described in the body of plaintiffs' complaint in this action by reason whereof doubt to the validity of plaintiffs title to said real estate may arise; that at the time of filing said complaint there was filed therewith an affidavit of a competent person that the residence of each of the above named defendants is not known to the plaintiffs and that upon diligent inquiry being made by plaintifis and their attorney each of said defendants is believed to be a non-resident of the State of Indiana. That said Special Jurisdictional Affidavit filed with said complaint sets out the matters required by Chapter 177 of the Acts of 1915 of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, approved March 10, 1915, and all acts amendatory and supplemental thereto, authorizing the quieting of title to real estate against all persons whomsoever and as against the world. That the above-entitled cause of action, suit or proceedings is prosecuted to quiet title to the lands or real estate therein mentioned and described as against all demands, claims and claimants whatsoever and as the world, which real estate is situated In the County of Grant, State of Indiara, and is described as follows: Lot Number One Hundred Fifteen (115) and One Hundred Sixteen (116) in J. A. Gauntt's Addition to the City of Marion, Indiana.

Said above named defendants are therefore hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said complaint against them and that unless they appear and answer or demur thereto at the callIng of said cause on the 5th day of December, 1957, the same being- the 56th- Judicial day of the September Term, 1957, of said Court, to be begun and held at the Courthouse In the City of Marion, Grant County, State of Indiana on 16th day of September. 1957, said complaint and the matters and things therein contained and alleged will be, determined in their absence. WITNESS the Clerk and the Seal of said Court this day of September, 1957. R. A.

Benjamin, Jr. Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court Grant County, State of Indiana. (SEAL) Raymond P. Fishburne, Attorney for Plaintiffs -Sept. 6.

13, 20, 1957. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GRANT COUNTY PLAN COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS ROOM COURT HOUSE MARION, INDIANA) TIME: 7:30 P.M. Sept. 24, 1957 Notice is hereby given that the Grant County Plan Commission has set the Petition for approval of the final plat of Pleasant Homes Second Subdivision, a residential addition to Sweetser, Indiana platted out of the following described real estate situate in Grant County. Indiana, to-wit: A part of the East half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty-two, Townshtp Twenty-five North, Range Seven East, beginning at point 29' of the along the North line of said East half ba distance: of the Southwest Quarter and running Northwest corner of said half of 441,89 feet to point which.

29' distance of 407.06 feet from the center of said Sec tion Thirty-two, thence 07' 14488.93 feet to the center of State Road 18 21, thence 57' along the said center line 456.06 feet, thence 29' W. distance of 1351.56 feet to the place of -beginning containing 14.258 acres, more' or less. for public hearing at the above stated time, date and place, GUY T. HARRIS, President Grant County Plan Commission. 13, 1957.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GRANT COUNTY PLAN COMMISSION BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ROOM COURT HOUSE MARION, INDIANA, TIME: 7:30 P.M. DATE: Sept. 24, 1957 Notice is hereby given that public hearing will be held upon the Petition of EBBERT T. SMITH and CORA SMITH, husband and wife, for the approval of the Final Plat of Section I of Smith Addition, residential subdivision platted out of and upon the following described real estate situate in the County of Grant, State. of.

Indiana, to-wit: Commencing the southeast corner of Section 32. Township 241 North, Range East, running thence north on the Section line. 19.70 chains to a stone, thence west 4.45 chains. thence south 19.70 chains to the. South line of said Section 32, thence cast.

4.45 chains to the place of beginning, contain-: ing 8.70 acres, more or less, and: being a part of the Southeast Quarter the Southeast Quarter: of said Section 32, Township and Range aforesaid, 1 at the stated time, day and place. GUY T. HARRIS. President Grant County Plan Commission. Batton, Harker, Kiley Osborn, Attorneys for Petitioners.


Saturday generally fair and cool. High Saturday 72. Last Five--Clearing and cooler tonight with low 54. Saturday fair and cool. High Saturday 72-74.

Sunday Outlook: Generally fair and a little warmer. LOWER MICHIGAN: Clearing and cooler tonight with low 46-56. Saturday mostly sunny and rather cool. OHIO: Cooler tonight with low 50-62. Saturday partly cloudy and showers east and extreme south in morning.

INDIANA FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK Temperatures will average 3-6 degrees below normal. Normal maximum 72-78 north to 77-82 south. Normal minimum 51-56 north to 55-63 south. Rather cool Saturday, a little warmer Sunday or Monday and cooler again Tuesday and Wednesday. Rain will average one-tenth to three-tenths inch with showers likely Sunday night or Monday.

CLASSIFIED INDEX Deaths Cards of Thanks In Memorium Funeral Directors Monuments Cemetery Lots 6 Personals Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 Automobiles Trucks for sale Auto Accessories, parts Business Services 18 Television Sales Service 18A Heating, Plumbing. Roofing Laundering Employment, Female 32 Employment, Male Employment, Male Female Situations Wanted, Female Situations Wanted, Male Business Opportunities 38 Instructions Dogs, Cats, other pets Livestock 48 Farming Implements 48A Grain 48B Poultry 49 Merchandise 51 Trailers for sale 51A Trailer spaces for rent 51B Building Materials 53 Good Things to Eat. 57 Musical Merchandise Seeds, plants dowers Wanted to Buy Sleeping Rooms' 68 Apartments for rent Houses for rent Houses for sale Lots for sale' 85 Wanted real estate 89, PHONE 4050 Coming Auction Sales COMMUNITY SALES' And auction. 845 N. Washington.

Sale every Wednesday night. Fred Millspaugh auctioneer, Don Millspaugh owner. EVERY FRIDAY NITE 9th St. auction house. 416 W.

9th St. 7:00 p.m. Omer Riddle, owner. Don Rogers, auctioneer. EVERY FRIDAY NITE -18th Auction.

509 E. 18th. Jim Bovie Ed Shafer, owners. Saturday night. 7:00 p.m.

Home Corner Auction House. L. P. Stambaugh, owner, E. L.

Stev. ens. auctioneer. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH217 West 27th St." Grocery stock and fixtures. John W.

'Sanders owner, Puckett Son, Auct. TUESDAY SEPT. 17 at 11:00 a.m, Acres located on East 38th St. East of VA. Government surplus property.

Harry J. Goldberg, Auct. SAT. SEPT. p.m.

miles north then miles west of Hartford City or 4 mi. S. and mi. W. of Roll.

Tractors, trucks, implements, grain household goods. John H. Brose Estate." Winger auctioneers. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 11 a.m. On Webster Cox farm located mi.1 South of Joneshold Iva J.

Ruley, boro. Personals property, houseMadge Ruley Cox, Owners. Everett E. Corn, auctioneer. SATURDAY, SEPT.

a.m., 3 miles E. of Windfall or 6 mi. north, then 3 mi. west of Elwood. appliances.

Farm, equipment. Grace Bailey Estate. Nash Swinford, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, SEPT a.m., 6 mi. South, then mi.

West of Swayzee or 10 North, then mi. West of Elwood. DaiTry dispersal," Hogs," Implements, Misc. Maple, Nash O.B. Swinford, auct.

SEPT. 18th at 1 p.m. auction at 1220 West in Fairmount, Indiana. E. E.

Winterholter, Owner. Puckett Son. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. 10825 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA is hereby riven that NETH RYBOLT was, on the 5th day of 1957, appointed Administrator of the estate of ADEN N. BOYD deceased, All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file same in said court within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred.

Dated at Marion, Indiana, this 5th day of 1957, R. A. Benjamin, Jr. Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court (SEAL) GENE R. JOHNSON Attorney.

6, 13, 20, 1957 Coming Auction Sales SAT. SEPT. 21 at 1 p.m.- -631 East North St. (The Lander Farm) Gas City. Mr.

and Mrs. Guy Furnish, Owners. Millspaugh and Boatwright, Auct. SAT: SEPT. p.m.

miles Southwest of Swayzee, Ind. 108 Acre farm The late Luella Armstrong June Lacy, Executive. Wilbur Clair Eddie Nash, auctioneers. SATURDAY, SEPT. p.m.

5 miles northwest of Peru, Ind. Knoll View Farm. Mark E. Miller Son, owner. S.

Whitley, SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 12:30 p.m. "DST. Mark Miller Farm, 5 miles Northwest of Peru, Ind. out of Peru on Grant St.

follow signs. Mark E. Miller Auctioneer, Kenneth MONDAY SEPT. p.m. 10 mi.

north of Marion. Ind. on Highways 9 37. 245 acres, Mod. home.

Tenant home, outbuildings. Murray Thompson, owner. J. F. Sanmann, Wilbur Clair, auctioneers.

SATURDAY, SEPT. noon. Whitley Co. 4-H Fairgrounds, Columbia City, Ind. SAT.

SEPT. 28th-1 p.m. 609 S. Washington Marion. Contractor tools, supplies.

Heavy duty equip. office furn. trucks. autos. Builders, Fred Millspaugh L.

M. Boatright, Auctioneers. SAT. SEPT. p.m.

1 mile of Converse. Farm machinery, household goods. Glen Guerin, owner, Wilbur Clair, auctioneer. ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Directors RAVEN FUNERAL HOME "The HOME for Services" 911 S. Washington Phone 1480 Serving As We Would Be Served OWEN WEILERT Funeral Home 2722 S.

Washington Phone 1877 NEEDHAM SON We Appreciate Your Confidence 814 S. Adams St. Phone 1552 JAY SWIFT Funeral Home Gas City Jonesboro Phone Gas City. 5601-3521 SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL Established in 1888 2901 S. Washington Phone 120 Worthy of a Sacred Trust 504 W.

3rd St. Phone NO 2-2503 DIGGS FUNERAL A SERVICE, Inc. Monuments and Cemetery Lots 6 MARKERS MONUMENTS Builder of Fine Memorials BRANDON MONUMENT CO. 45th Harmon Phone 3008 Personal PIANO LESSONS College trained teacher. Phone' 4972.

RUMMAGE SALE Clothing, hichair, lamps, misc. items. Fri. 4-8, Sat. 8-4.

1440 Horton CLEAN RUMMAGE. 3405 So. Wash. Friday Saturday, 8 to 5. RUMMAGE Sale.

Friday and Saturday. Clothing, Books, dishers, misc. 2209 S. Meridian. RUMMAGE Clothing, shoes, drapes, new grapes, sage, flowers.

3017 Nebraska. Fri. Sat. RUMMAGE SALE 9 to 6 Saturday. 1117 Spencer Ave.

garage. 0 Hi chair, bathinette, small children adult clothing. RUMMAGE SALE Used Friday, Saturday, 409 W. 8th RUMMAGE Friday, Saturday. to 7.

Women's clothing size. 12, other clothing, dishes, etc. 3315 S. Gallatin St. SPECIALTY Apple Dumplings.

24 hours a day. 5th Wheel Cafe 1117 S. Adams and Barbecue Restaurant 114 N. Baldwin, SWEEPERS New Used Demonstrators Repossessions Naturally at KARNES SWEEPER CO. FOR THE BEST GROCERIES AND MEATS BOB WILSON Opp.

DILLON FRAMING SERVICE 104 St. or HENDEY'S BONDS AL types, including bail bonds. ROSE. Phone 3498 or NO 2-2161. VAPOR BATHS For Arthritis, nervousness, colds, muscular ailments reducing treatments.

EARL MICKEL 212 W. 20th Ph 144 BIG RUMMAGE Men's women's children's clothing. Thursday, Friday; Saturday. 8-6. 343 E.

Sherman. DELTA THETA TAU Big Rummage Sale, Friday, 8 to 5:30, Saturday -8 to 12 at 701 E. 38th St. WILL- Tutor adults or children in 1 English. Ph.

Gas City 8-6086. SPENCER Individually designed 3 foundation garments and bras. Mrs. Arlene Orr, Jonesboro. Ph.

Gas City 4158 or Marion 2495J. WE-Have something new for dan'druff that's truly terrific. Get the new Sanidyne. Freel Masori, MASON DRUGS NEW SUNDAY STORE HOURS 12 Noon to 6 p.m. LADIES -Fall clothes, like new, dresses, 6 skirts, 10 blouses, 1 size 14.

3008 S. Gallatin: Lost, Strayed or Stolen 110 LOST- Guernsey heller. 6 miles N. on 9. Call NO 2-7059.

ATTENTION For inexpensive, hand-made gifts like Ph. 1707. 4 RUMMAGE SALE 3724 S. Gallatin, Sat. 8 to 12.

Girl dresses, etc. LADIES Dresses and coats. 1414 W. Nelson St. Friday-Satur: day in garage.

RUMMAGE 921 W. Ontario, formals size 11-12. Friday 5 p.m. Saturday Monday all day. OPEN SUNDAY -dr GIEGLER'S VARIETY STORE 1st St.

ByPass Phone 3045 RUMMAGE Fri. and Sat. Cloth- ing and 6 Colonial Park. RUMMAGE 1415 W. 1st.

Friday, Saturday. 8-6. Winter Coats, other clothing, toys, etc. RUMMAGE Garage, 801 W. First Good men's, women's, children's Clothing.

Friday 9-7 only. RUMMAGE SALE nice clothing for babies, men, boys, ladies, 10 to miscellaneous household items. Fri. 8 5, 8 12. Garage de 1029 So.

Boots. RUMMAGE SALE 803 W. Nelson. Friday Sat. 8 to 8.

Free lollypops for the children, Men, wamens, childrens clothing; Bed clothes. A F- 1. A -dr 3 El 8 4 A.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.