Beaver Dam Daily Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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ftaA PAUL orfa fit A 1 1 IM A nils Juneau bbJr 85 rt Mr pgs OATS Phone 881 Who has been visiting wanted Hold Lads for Burglary Law User Juneau Woodmen Probe Drowning evening Events District THE PROPER COURSE of nt the olnh Peter to name teaching home to its Jon fdl 1 8UC new Horicon morning 1st and for 214 Moys over i 82 tr AL MARKET Mar mart Novenskl Healy 'Grace A Schulxe When John was awakened and went Information of Priceless Value Every Beaver Dam Citizen 'Good High Class Up tOrdate Unique Printing Supervisors at in 1 J11 0:17 ill in i a years 115 Responsible party Wit piano for rammer months Plano cheap and on easy pt Address A Beaver Dam V8 IK ShotatCat: Kills Lad Madison May 31 Bernard Deets the ten year okl son of Oliver Deets of Richland Cent erj died at 'the Madi son City hospital from the result of injuries received bybeing accidentally 3hot through one of his hips by George Morris a play mate' who was trying to kill a cat Dora been ned to' Grams WHEAT ESCAPE IN TRAIN WRECK Competent girl 1 Inquire srhuii an nud at 81 tf TELEGRAPHIC CHRONICLE STATE HAPPENINGS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 1Vlrs Zepp is a 1 ioricon visit How tozact In an enptrgency knowledge of inestimable worth this Is particularly true of the di seases and ills of the human body If you suffer with backache urinary disorders or any form of kidney trdUble the advice contained in the following statement will add a vnlu ablQ asset to your store of knowledge What could be more convincing proof of the efficiency of Kidney Pills than the statement of Beaver Dam citizens who have been per manently cured? Jones Bogert St Beaver Dam Wis says: years "1 suf fered terribly from kidney and bladder complaint 1 'had a con stant desire to pass' the kid ney secre tions and there was 'a dull achd tn the small of my backl Sid ney pills procured at Drug Stortj gavezme4 greater relief than any other kidney medicine I (Statement given July 5 1907) sniuRe Endorsem*nt On September 13 1911 Mr Jonas said: can still recommend Pills highly They have fully proven their merits Jn iny eaer oTn i or sale dealers PHoe? 50 cents: oster Milburn Qq? Buffalo New York sole agents for the United states Remember the and take no other er of Rap Mr and! I I iwa 3 9 11 Bran Middlings Cracked Xofn packed Wheat Crashed Bone uo dBeef Scraps c' blGRITSHELLCHARCOAE I 7 Il ano i a vndJ New York May 317 Samuel Bp gart vlce presldent of the United Telegraph company pleaded guilty to fraudulent use of the mails in advance bf his five associates ind Body Marinette May body of An 'thirfyeight whtch man at Ingalls Menominee countywas found in the Menominee river about a mile below Ingalls I ls be lieved he fell off the dam Ha missing a week iristy tre ay after a base ball men have spring EVER Whether Wayland can get together to play the Test of the games bn the schedule is a problem that remains to be solved Since the Racine game i work dpne toward keeping in shape and it seems almost Imnossible far1 the coach and captain to keep the men interested Pjieparatloh for the track meet Interfered with the base ball work to a certain extent and the week followt ing tho I Ai there was little ac complished I The team has one of the hardest games of tlie list to be played on Saturday and unless the nine gets down to real work they might as well cancel thn rnntnet nnrl quit' for thei rest of the season It seems qheer ithat a school like Way land is unable' to get at least team out to' With a squad Of twenty four men it looks asf though there) was a lazy streak in the somewhere Wayland will have to play those remaining contests A school like that icannot afford to put up tlue ex cuse that there were not enough men to form a team Of course the let down during )the week of the track meet slowed things up a little but evens so' that should npt have stopped the team during the next week We think that the Academy boys are showing the white feather when they do not display enough energy to at least stick to the agreements with the other schools It is not the fault of the manage ment! that the lads are showing such a small amount of Interest in their that lads for up said On of Hori cty Shoe Repairing ICub Ji Can it be possible that 'the Aca the High It looks that way does it Hawk and child left yes terday morning for two months visit with relatives at Lawrence fcansas i as far xere she i lldren went ng for a a Two good office rooms sQuiro of New tf Schiller left for Twi Rivera ere he fa largo Wher and VicinityI Thursday cooler Steel Worker ClimbsTowe of Wis consin Capitol to Unfurl! lag Slips Is Killed tWJ fc Madison Wis) May 3L a shame that flag is caught shin upand flx it so it wllbshow up While the parade goes said rank! Smith a Milwaukee steel worker member of a 'gang setting steel for the riewi Wiscon 'sin capitol He climbed the great Ashland May 3V oilowingthe dis towel? 259 feet from the ground and up covery of' "a ylng on the the flaKstaff fixed the stars and body of an unknown man found "float 8tripes 80 that they blew out straightlng in the Niagara river near Queens breeze and then he fel1 t0 ln town last weelL officers of the Modern Wqpdmen of America are conducting I ive thousand people including Gov an investigation in the belleLthat tlie McGover witnessed the accf bod VW A fl Hint dSIlt i i vz 4 4 A 4 85 11 A tt 1 1U wqo has been mlssingor some time 1 LIL XJLl A C1L1V Mr illawik accompanied them as Chicago vMrs Wm Winter and Miss Grant of Chicago who Have visiting Grains retur thati clty jthis morning Mrs accompanying them i Mr and Airs Joseph Adam Island Alinn and Mr: Airs I AI oley of Gibson and dance at of Masonic Hull rda sd) si to Or ical pj? and lli alters IvM parf 1 to rel 11 1(G ront Street Phone 3631 NORTH EAST LOWELL By Kath rhnk Henke and fainily visited Monches Wis after spe coration Day with her parerr clty I Mrs )B Boylan retur Anton Pohlman was busy counting chicks Monday as he has a 240 egg incubator MjS tD WeSCOtt' Of Lowell in anH ously ill atr present and is not expect ed tot live Sunday May 28 Miss Jeanette Duffy dosed a suc cessful term of school in Joint District No 1 Lowell and Clyman last riday with a program and re freshments Miss Rato Brlovyatz was em ployed by Mrs Gnllg'was called home to Clyman i last Sunday May 21 because of the illness of tier brother George and he is quite 111 at present I Last riday while Wm Henke was coming frpm the Lowell cemetery and crossing a culvert In Jxjwell his horse stepped into a hole caus Ing a broken limb? This ought to be a warning to everybody not be careless in regard to defective spots in bridges Rev Klerchner' of Ebwcll moved some of his furniture last week to Hustisford where hewill take charge of a large congregation lie has resided Lowell for vMr and leaves many friends outside of nis congregation who wish him cess Blessing in his home KrkRWOrtls at I ov tri TvrTr prn Quo fcJ 'v (uH grown5 chickens CHICK od CHICK or the little chicks I i 1 CfYONT i nr I 4 ned to there has been practically nn rnnl A 1 At 9 I i xxiiuvui uuk uiis inornmg nicer a Henry Roeming went? to Miwalukee Monffay evening on business Mrs Carl Iwert and Si con ent Monday in this Davlid JonAfl la nt Pnr rl '1 HUam eekin and 'Culbertson I and Qshkosh today on business Wm A Hi iuui tney tn recover it is said 7 muming i 5 I a Tk I 4 LI a Mrs Alartln and TAT Hazel are atMI1: 'I Pldnt Declare HtrNo Author I' Vernbach 4 ent to Sagtaawl I 1 TVT zvK Tajr io 'et ignste an Official wvuuajr evening May Report's from 1 Altoona are tojtha orrebt tbt tho Washington I Mrs1 Roller and ch town Is overrun with tramps 'fully nttr Tr Prosldont to Colby Wis this moral or the hoboes hocking In and out overt Beverly the shortIvlslt i day During the last fv lnor shore of Massachusetts have become more bold land 1 Playground unless 1 £nd aIs AUg Bo'elti threaten housewives who refill 1 eci8 a 81tG aPPropri visaing something 'to eat Women Suriimir M'ABerndt ofrinbAinj 'I "miv Huuac eiaowuHH in a lAirorfni jauu me practically besiezM i iuuu iurs varroii i Jn their Aomes when the men of Uie turned1 to Waupaca Mond fro so 1 a eg TV I I rill 1 TV i nuuie are at work snort iv rnr noaMawHi 1 a i tDUiiiHivrnome ati i i tf i it i I JWayzata on th Rhhraa oVa I Jir is I 7 1 I RV 14VW UUC I I I Starves Wife I Ra lneMay Danjel Dominican Pngress alone had the authority tolaren Mr And Mrs 1 Italian springmaker was arrested designate airofflclaf summenresldenceL Mr And ava 11 i Avu 1 1 II nrnnr incut i rnt 19 bu ns coma send money to Italy to promote an automobile He has thus sent 32200 across Th court made him sign an order turning Peabodycottage oyer his wages to his wife and thenpwill continue to TTiueucra Him to nve solitary confinement in jail Success lour Wh81e Wheat 10 lb sacksuefc wheat 10 lb sacks Graham 10 lb sacks Com Meal 10 lbi sacks EVERY SACK GUARANTEED executive Personally he town have been visiting Mr will hOVA til 1 A I A 0 WISCONSIN NEWS STATED 1RRIE I wHteMstntt0 Randi ls 1 Visit tenUo nnvau burned t4 as a st STEEL WRECKED I DE RAILED NEAR LIND WASH Engineer and ireman Killed Orie aoenfler Seriously Hurt North I Limited Ditched SlDiralld Linn 26 mile eat of bbinH TB Columbian new east'1 train on set Sound vu wrecked an? firemen were iff verelZ In? on? Passenger se Th0 thranl u3 1 i ll 1 1 i ej over the' Milwaukee line since the i completion of the rnna Avaa HAW onl 4 I 1 4 vApWsiveiy equipped af 10 I 1 'f I 1 tins 1 morning A wm I 1 1 1 1 1 I ex May 31 cairo 'U1SS A McAleer went rc JNorth Western DflBflfin (ran 4 kt i I I JtLCi I tills TTinmlrH Vimu nu I I i 'iT I A AUKeies i limited west 26 mii ii V13lnd car noroicen journal on one' wniwaKer or Chi im ine cars No one w'as eeverely hurt 1 rrIends1 here yesterday dleasareaultvof th meet? at today Ill TAzil MA J1 1 1 1 KttA inaianoia according to a rl i ofTSn Shepard Mcayden DavisL A Wilson A leaker Sons 76 31X Oe ynerv wholesale 22JJ 13 hndard Middling I $2100 26 CM) I 'I rf jt Deny That Dam Has law ChinnAwn Vuiio xr rT IH4D 11 port 'that Byllesbv cn oa dered their non AAA 7 ui mcuo the mentifled Kalian died of in flawagodlurleal Mra Lona eekin wife flaw onlj eeunui the ds a redSC0Vered of Brimfield in whose wife was AAA A AM AA A 1 Ah MM 1 WT 1 CaptB SParshall of thi wVK eaSc reeovor IjRnn nnnirtnnsp I 9 ixiueciares stnat en Sneers forBylle8by aie at kork Visit with Mr and Mrs A rence i 1 Michael Hammer Theo I John Welch im Elser and WH Sherman wenttb Juneau this morning 4 I Wis yesterday morning has accepted a position on dairy farm I Ji Wm 1 1 arley left Monday for Duluth Minn where he ac cepted position as superintendent of a woolen mill i Misses Nellie Morgan and I Jaradell Kaikhurst who have been school at Montello arrived Monday ijevening Mrs Geo Cummings of returned! to that city this after a lyislt with lier parents Mr and Mrs! Stellinacher Win Krueger of I School No I Town of Beaver Dam has passed a very satisfactory tioir and awarded a gradua Ploma Mrp TRIPS IMk A BODY Speeding Auto Wrecked ond du MV 31 lWhU ft dHOOvr Stepdaughter Who Had lpg at a high rate of speed belween Bo 'n end Police Are Oshkosh and ond idu Lhe an mitn I Investigating containing A reund MMat son Harrv RnrU nnH' Amn Webster Pa May 31 nf Mau Stevenson rear wheel collapsed The machine he WM totally wrecked but' the occu i Pants esenped without Injury ged 1 1 twenty eight which wtfs lying across sv i foot of the stairs with her throat i Train Kills a Laborer I IcuL ut Jarllngton May lh rMartin Tousen A door leading to the outside sto3d a labored was struck and instantly Hajar but i there was no trace of the killed by an eastbound passenger train i supposed murderer on the Milwaukee road near River Stevenson and his wife are being aide ten miles east of this place Ac I held pending an investigation cording to railroad men Tousen was ttj s'rsrekppaHTtiLais 'ACCUSED 'of polygamy widow and one child I 4 Man Must Answer for Marrying Two I After Just inishing a Long Button Makers Go Back Term for Larceny La Crosse May 3l The strike of I vf i the pearl 'button workers which has I Mass May Peter been on here several weeks was end Dugresne a Jdormen who alleged ed an agreement was signed' fy to have married Miss Mary Lane here a committee of three employes and 1899 jand Josephine Perry i two MacWillie The em years liter and who fled to Utah when Pioyes will be taken back as fast' aa I he was indict a polygamy charge usiness conditions warrant I is under arrest here The police say that soon after Dugresne reached Utah he was arrested for larceny and sentenced to a long term of imprison inent He was released two days ago and came directly back to Cambridge fine in a Wireless case Samuel Bogart irt of Sextet Confess Is Assessed $2500 Which He Will Pay Lac I Sboe Shiiiing Mench went ig oh fl tr IVf vci Hr xi a mo marun Vi 'H Ji iwrKc I uiincil 1 it UC XJmp M'ernoM i cii'iin irliii I 7 Vim aiulsrtwi' 'r '1 ijh i jjdward 'Ol' Wl Kon and A Hlchsel Bulaer anrt ldni ryl I rphy and rut i never mid I'raliclnfur Ilot nlnand I iwe 5coMMISSK'NEKS flchumnchi I' I'rdniui Il Mcix rinott K'S 'I'd'ial4 and IC La Knlb I fLi Di 11 Irr' A Bek hl work! It is the men themselves are at fault The Wayland have always had a reputation and never giving Well i they are likely to lose is of' reputation unless they get out this HlinUU ci Atztisu 3 IU UUlU IL 611 visited they do loso their remaining games ft fr I 4 1 ft ft ft ft AM 1 I OHUU1U Ufcj ICUDL Liy UILU UU little for their ischool at any rate ft'No emblems to the entire team I frill ci iissivult now Tbose'who have been the most 1 receive in 1 1 now up to the fel It is lows Will they stick? Let us hope dance so anywry i last A'ishe demy nite Is afraid to play io at second game with the local tended also orchestra forschool? furnished The not? Miss Hazel Gergen is a MiiwnnirA I sitor tnrlnv I Mrs A Wilson went to WhrtPm 1 Ir la 1 I to ond du I i Wl ft Jb vj Tian wrno Cares knlk frolAn a lu ii ivi me man in asu vibituuii xiuicK eve to ok A11 chAzitf iftft' a Style 3 'J AII the Shapes that we are feat 1 wring in wide high toes stand out from other qfheir have stye are sure wetpan please you if vou give us a few minutofyouctime JMVe' i Kfff jd al wr'' the ladferf brother Geo Jlllson an family oni Healy Aye yesterday 1 vim llC ted b3f will be awarded if the squad 'JUugQ fafthfiil fra H10 urhnnl will honor while the quitters will get the Mr and Mrs Wm Arndt will shave nothing to do wjth selecting I Mrs Wm Arndt of this fl 1 1 It AVi ft I UVU4U a ftThe president has a lease on the iar Beverly anJ he 'cupy it when con gress' and his speaking engagements perrhit i I i ii ji 'f A Hold Lads for Burglary ALLS I 256 EET TO 1 DEATH Manitowoc May Charged with burglary four boys ranging ig iige 16 to 19 years who were arrested at Green Bay are being held In (the local jail It is alleged Athat they robbed a boxcar in the Northwestern yards here One Is William Brown a caroled Inmate of the Waukesha Indus trial school? The other three are from' Chicago Victor Johnson Is Badly Hurt When Northwestern Llmited Is Derailed at our Slightly Injured SuperorMay The Northwest ern Chicago Limited paXgeE train No92 wasderailed while! enter ing the Superior yards Victoi I Tnhn' Ron flrxirnon ft equiUDe hn4 7m' opooner was cara were detailed The engine Pau Zd i coach were demob bt Paql anti Parker of DiiluU Jshed mall Clerks and 1 MarshalltownVot zhV2 EVi teer alls were passenger train No1 1 IjaQ morning' uui severeiyY Therel were AnLOS' 'Angeles limited west Mta about sixtypassehgersVon the brotn bound went intn HUnK LydIa jaeger of hut non nr vucibck was injured The eneinG' mall ftft 4 and twp coaches went off the tr vMnCuttWUU car chair carand sleeper were not derailed I V4 uispatch received havA a Thp re kji Grace iDban of Minden Neh wir I eekin nf vv vuva iieu ana an un ti ower apd Mrs Lena eekin 3 4 vLl 1 14 4 AJ emPhacally denied by killed company He declares that CJP1 ST ft ft ft ft ft 1 a A on a nev 4am and canal and have made nn rnnrt ii ft Tramps Besiege Altoona I rank IJaertl who was arres Chief Goetsch chared gwith and battery appeared before Miltgen Monday afternoon He guilty to tlie charges and paid of $300 and costs i The management or the given by the? Clover Leaf clu Tuesday evening at the Odeon to thank the young ladies wh the good music gentlemem attendance was very light and a better turnout on their part would havfei been appreciated 'A recent inn nnrl Innchenn 'll io given last evening at the home "of with Herman Henke and Will rey MY and 'Mtis AloisKolb In honbr Mrs blrthdhy The Misses! i CavL rkL i txorr is moving a barn for Dr Mabel Lewis Grace Bump and wriirht this week Messrs iTth'urT 1 Ruehl and Alb Nett consisted of the Atty Kadine of Watertown made was fined $2500 in the United Statel I party and P011 a most enjoyable business trlpi here the first of circuit court time this week 1 bi T0 ji i i ri inn me 9 i a wm wft avamddkkvii unni It vrft PS a hot'ftweather nln vo rnnn ItnlARn I 1 I I I nzTtr rman m1 4 ft irirrirrn rrnirft ft ya4aQ ujtcia a ana approprl 1 mwu ft $ft AU A i I 1LT ln n'L A TT ft a ft 4 In a letter 'to Mr! land Mrs Carrnii a site short visit in this city rv ft ft I i Wayzata on the shores of Lake 1 and Mrs Geo Vhtttaker blf the president explained that are visiting Mrs nnnwmoB ftlftftft AV I hJirflnra HT 1 nnrl TXT TT T1 uucse i I nf VVnr nnrl i ity Misq Cal ra of Milwaukee Trs Roedi I returned home'last' Miss! Anna MaYoney returned to hdlng De ts in this I I 3D ffCHOlCElSSpSS cferal i jL 1 pilied Ads OR 8ALE ll! l200 mortage will pit Inquire at the or address 144 h82 tf IOR RENT fy Mouse on Park AVeem Improvements after Loire of owner Miss Park Ave '8 tf IIouse centrally locat I modern conveniences I IN North Division St.

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Beaver Dam Daily Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.