Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas (2024)

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Abilene, Texas

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Abilene Reporter-News Saturday Jan 13 1990 3B Showcase Margo discovers YouY identity checks him out Vanessa was upset when she saw Billy with Nadin tadine Neil insisted he Tune in tomorrow This soap opera highlights that originally belonged to Lila she will tell the police that she has proof that Jimmy murdered Robert and David Meanwhile Jimmy learned that Mary found the bonds under the carpet where Jimmy had hidden them Scott warned Lucy that Alan will never divorce Monica Disguised as a Russian piano coach Robert stayed with Kathy Generations: After his release from the hospital Jason and a still hospitalised Monique were married in a i can have a divorce if he wants one Mitch meanwhile is afraid that losing Felicia to Lucas upset Joeie spends so much time with Lucas As the World Turns: Lloyd warned Tom that once Philip locates Marjorie ml him grandchildren Philip will order his men to kill Ellie and Emily Philip learned that Lloyd is a federal agent After Philip ordered Lloyd and Lucas to permanently eliminate Emily Lloyd and Lucas Broke into apartment While Emily was in the shower Lucas found gun which had earlier been delivered to Emily Emily heard the gunshot after Lucas pointed the gun at Lloyd Andy went to new apartment to confront her about her letter Shannon All My Children: Drama waa surprised when Chuck told her that going to stay in Pine Valley because he never felt at home living in Kentucky where been workingTrevor apologized to Natalie for saying that he thought she was attracted to rich old like Palmer and VirgiL son Art blamed Natalie when Viral' hospitalised after a relapse Slade Trask not to tell the lie police about him or harm Melanie Trask who had been arguing with his father Kurt rushed Melanie out of his home when she arrived Trask admitted to Kurt he didst 1 Melanie to see the that they live in Opal is determined to have Palmer eating out of the palm of her hand by Day Tad and Dixie were stunned when Opal redecorated their apartment with tacky furniture and announced that she was moving in with them David urged Emily Ann to launch a singing career Another World: Rachel was hired to work at Odyssey and met her new boss Ken Jordan After working late to put out the first issue of Sophisticate magazine Amanda slept with Evan Wracked with took off just Amanda been in New York City tried to reach her by phone When Sam returned to Bay City Olivia told him that Amanda had lot the Pelican Club with Evan Sharlene is confusing Lucas because at first she acts friendly and then she turns hostile After rate of his patients died John went to Sharlene for comfort but found her in the middle of an intimate nation with Lucas Rachel tried to convince Mitch to go home after he arrived at her motel room but later admitted she was glad he found her After con- fronting Rachel Felicia told Mitch he loves Betlt Loving: After viewing the bedroom tape of Jeff and Gwyneth Ava told Gwyneth she has the tape Trisha overheard Curtis say that he hopes Rocky (Amelia) stupid enough to foil for Jeff while working in the mental when he believed that he was still fighting the enemy in Vietnam Jack convinced Alex to let Stacey help him figure out going on with a A A -W hiVam mind Egypt was stunned when Gwyneth fired her from her TV job One Life to live: Dorian Lord the to Mendorra returned to Llanview Cassie Calliaon is in Llan-view on a cultural mission fra Mendorra Raymond forced Sebastian to return to Mendorra with him and his right-hand-man Josef Sebastian lied about being in Llanview to keep an eye on Raymond Prince Roland tola Sebastian that he wants Sarah After Gabrielis prayed for Max his heartbeat kwuM normal and he began recuperating from the bullet wound- Sister Amelia suggested Gabrielle go on a retreat to think over her decision to become a nun Andy resisted when a thug named Mort tried to extort protection money from her to safeguard nightclub from fanner gangster friend Carlo Marino scared off Mort Tina and Cord made love but he insisted that their relationship is over because he trust her Jonathan told Cassie that Audrey had left town to look for her son Santa Barbara: Laura convinced Ethan to make another blackmail payment which she secretly recovered Laura planted a pair of earrings at the drop site then told Ethan she thinks Gina is the blackmailer Mack consoled Laura after Ethan told her that he wants a divorce Laura panicked when she learned Ethan asked Michael to help him find the Laura knows that Michael keep mum if he learns blackmailing herself Laura planted some blackmail money in purpe Unaware that the money had been marked by Michael and Jsthan Mack borrowed some of the money withqut telling Gina Movie producer Stevep Marsh asked Sophia consider in the goings on at Tonsil race horse stable Augusta admitted she Dark Victory a horse that Kelly had been concerned about The Young and the Restless: Skip and Carol were on hand when Nan gave birth to a baby girl A tearful Nan later handed the baby over to Carol Victor nixed offer to run off and get married Carl arrested Cassandra on charges that she murdered itchell coi Mitchell commented to Rex that (Mugs) acted strange during their meeting and told Mitchell to handle any and all business problems that come up Rex admitted to Mitchell that Kay (Marge) has been lately but insisted that she's okay Morey and Lil let Kay and Esther watch a televised charity ball at wh(ch Kay was to receive an award Kay was stunned when her lookalike (Marge) accepted the award Kay realized that no one ia looking fra her became her lookalike haa taken her place Kay fumed when Marge phoned and introduced herself as Katherine Sterling then taunted Kay that she's even sleeping with Rex 1S90UnHadFeakm Inc JANUARY CLEARANCE 25 to 50 OFF Mini Mall 3161 So 23rd 692-8508 Dr cardiac arrest after Cal sneaked into his hospital room and injected something into Shane's iv solution Shane later came out of his coma break up the closeness between Kimberly and Shane Shane that Kimberly was the one who shot and nearly killed him Isabella working with Patch and Jack pit Victor to reveal that Kayla was bung held captive on his yacht which was disguised as an oil tanker Patch tried to rescue Kayla but was knocked out and set adrift in a raft by thugs Later Grace tried to help Kayla escape but they were caught by men Adrienne and Justin received their final divorce papers Victor rebuffed Caroline who begged him to free Kayla Patch set off to find Kayla after Yvette told Patch and Roman that Victor had taken Kayla to Florida The mystery key is hidden in a vase General Hospital: Colton hired a lawyer for Olivia after Anna arrested her for escaping from the hospital kid- Julian wants his men to find and kill Duke plans to frame Olivia fra death Alan believe Monica who told him that Tracy sabotaged his company Dermastatin Decker warned Dawn she waa i ciled sell Windemere after all Dis-her voice Anna told Jimmy over the bonds guising her voice Am that if he hand Now she is angry with us and we feel awful Were we out of line? This girl will be our wife soon and all hell has broken loose Uneasy in Chicago Dear Uneasy: When a bride asks her friends and relatives to be in the wedding party she should give them an opportunity to meet md decide on style and price Those who afford it should be allowed to withdraw gracefully: You and your sister behaved appropriately under the circ*mstances It is the bride who needs to bone up on wedding etiquette Is that Ann Landers column you clipped years ago yellow with agef For a copy of her most frequently requested poems and essays send a self-addressed long business-size envelope and a check or money order for 485 (this includes How to make a state trooper cry Sfeiriktil learned that Hey You is really Bruce Dreyfiiss from South Bend Ind After running a computer check Margo learned that Hey (Bruce) family was killed in a mysterious fire Ellie told a stunned Brock that the police are You Brock reared the i Philip to i trying to buy TV station The Bold and the Beautiful: Brooke and Thome cried on each shoulders after Ridge told Thorne that going to marry Caroline Sally got excited when Macy said she spent the night with Thorne but Macy warned Sally lly that she may never see Thorne again Kristen tola Clarke she wants a divorce Kristen was stunned when Mick said marriage in his future even though sleeping with her Mick later agreed to think about marrying Kristen Donna and Maqy realize that the in both their lives is Thorne Days of Our lives: Shane went into Ann Landers will also be bridesmaids They are' 14 and 19 I tried on 18 dresses The one I liked least was the one the bride selected It is a Victorian formal-length gown of pink satin with netting and six bows on the shoulders and hips The bride ask us how much we could spend nor did she take into consideration that the dress was suitable for a teen-ager but looks ridiculous on a 27-year-old My sister is a college student and has limited funds The dress costs (150 She muBt also buy shoes They will run at least $50 I told the bride that the dress was lovely but not for a 27-year-old I then asked to be replaced The next day my sister called and said she afford the gown and would have to be replaced also The bride was upset and screamed into the phone my day and I have the right to pick the dress! You two know nothing about wedding iMBrFrmgr tfaEP am at her bedside Maya stunned when Adam kept his and got her a job at After being threatened by a mysterious man Maya phoned Adam and Said that she accept the job Because of his financial trouble with the IBS Martin signed his' assets over to Doreen but tell her that the deal included the Marshall Ice Cream stock he bought from Ruth attracted to Sam rht: Josh was not pleased i Arabian GuidingL to learn that oil deal to Spauli spite their love making furious to overhear Alex tell Alan that Roger is nothing more than an employee of Spaulding Enterprises Beth claims that Bradley had raped her insisted that it only and Alan specu-uctar years ajjo have been Beth ha Phillip suspects that Neil and Blackburn may have been in cahoots Harley and Alan-Michael are still trying to find their pre-nuptial agreement which they had written on a napkin Phillip broke up a fight between -Bradley and Neil Billy refused to accept apologized for costing Lewis Oil the Arabian postage and handling) to: Gems do Ann Landers PO Box 11562 Chicago IL 60612-0562 (In Canada send $587 1990 La Angeles Tknee Syndics! and Creator! Syndlcaw NOW SHOWING I Mall Of AbHcncSS5-2122 of hta Bon Kbvfchbofe borrowing ItraiyanMaFlBi ClNEPLEXODEO EAT' in 8TLYE8TER ST1LLIIE Tango Coupons or ring Bargain ily: 7:30 9:40 NO Du Daily: VIP Matinees Only Tickets Sat Sun: 2:45 5:30 7:30 9:40 Dear Ann Another terrible accident occurred last weekend My husband a state trooper was so sick when he came home he had to go to bed Please print the enclosed column again Thank you Ohio Dear Ohio: There was a bad one in Illinois too Thanks for asking Hereitis: How to Make a Trooper Cry Want to see a state trooper cry? Would you like to see him bury Ids face in his hands bawl like a baby and slam his fist into the side of his patrol car? easy Start by refusing to listen when your wife suggests that she drive be a wimp Assert yourself Let her know boss Say heck I can drive the car better with a few beers unner my belt than you can cold Show her boss Twenty minutes later you are standing in the dark on the side of the highway with broken glass and spilled gasoline all around Your wife is screaming pinned beneath jagged edges of twisted metal Your 2-year-old daughter is si-lent Your 6-year-old son is sprawled face down 30 feet away The highway trooper smelled the alcohol on your breath when you tried to explain and not very gentle as he pushes you into the rear of the patrol car and tells you to shut your mouth Then he pauses for a moment to wipe away his tear before he turns his attention to what is left of your car and your family Congratulations made a trooper cr Dear Ann Landers: My sister (age 22) and I (age 27) were asked to be bridesmaids in our wedding The two sisters Boyd Continued from IB had to make a sure you Missy said through clenched teeth it took four hours to finally decide I was worth being seen TJ spread his hands helplessly I just had to decide between a live girl and a dead He shrugged Barry Missy but right then it had to be the cow" As TJ said later a good thing a country girl to explain to a Dallas girl that she's played second-fiddle to a sick Holstein might not have been worth the time" 11 probably true but it would have beat more fun watching the Dallas reaction Is Perfect As ii -KBVlVDrQD VI sr BARGAIN MATINEES ILL SHOWS KFOK Ml HI DAILY AT SELECTED THEATRES CHECK TIMES BELOW HIT ARK CENTRAL SIX a 2234 Clack 8L ARK CENTRAL SIX a 3234 Clack St san 711 9:30 ARK CENTRALSI 3234 Clack SL SSS-1711 a forced to choose A IE PAUL NEWMAN Dally: 6:45 9:00 Sat Sun: 2:00 4:30 6:459:00 CENTRAL SIX iNiituimibib hejtr" 5350 PER PERSON SHOWS BEFORE 6:00 PM 1 alTo la bTioneB 6 9 5 FAMILY BUSINESS 20M30-71 BORN ON 4th OF JULY 1 :1 Pm US HARLEM NIGHTS ha US WAR OF THE ROSES SHE-DEVIL (PQ) 1 IALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN LOOK WHO'S TALKING (9 PRANCER CHRISTMAS VACATION (TO) 1 ALWAYS Daily: 7:00 9:15 Sat Sun: 1:45 4:15 7:00 9:15 A FIIAI OF ENORMOUS VISCERAL POWER wSha tfwmnfc VMddiydw erolntim IPGl uMVfMAL henjM Dally: 7:15 9:30 Sat Sun: 2:15 5:00 7:15 THE qiimrp Iftmore than a fcally: 7:45 9:45 3:005:15 ARK 3234 (HIGHEST RAI1NG) OF THE BEST MOVIES OF THE ofliTrOju ufci GntoumTomeia 1 Suwijrjisjy A CfUGHHTRXrmG) As CLOSETO A Movie Gets: -CkyWknkk US MAGAZINE Clack SL WS-1711 I 35 RICHARD GERE ANDY GARCIA Your deepest secret is his most dangerous weapon ramcKm iMMmwwjmrajLY A taw story of Innocence lost and courage found No Coupons or Passes VLP Tickets During Bargain Matinees Only Dally: 7:10 9:25 Sat A Sun: 2:30 4:45 7:10 9:25 1 3234 Sl 3 NOW SHOWING 1 :1 Mall Of Abilene 695-2122.

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Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.